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pretend that the sweat shirt says Beacon hills high

the song is optional  its just the song i picture them dancing to. Blame 13 reasons why

I get in Stiles jeep keys in hand " alright lets go" he walks over to the passenger seat and says "this party better be worth it we need to find Scott." he looks over at me I'm wearing one of his sweatshirts, some non ripped jeans and reds shoes. Nothing too fancy just so i can look nice while still being comfy at the party. "Don't crash I know your still learning and i just don't want to have to replace the jeep." Stiles smiles.

Stiles Pov

Y/N frowns at me " Stiles I'm always careful" She says putting the care in gear. We get to an inter section and as we start to pull forward a car goes speeding by and Y/N just stops. I hear her breathing pick up I get worried as I look over I see tears streaming down her face. "hey, hey, are you okay she just sits there hands gripping the steering wheel. I pull her hands off and pull her in to a hug. "hey your safe this is not the same as before im right here." i hear her take a deep breath and then she sits up "sorry" she says wiping her tears away. "no no no its fine lets go home" She turns to me and smiles "no we have got to go get Scott. I'm fine" I grab her hand. "fine but let me drive." 

We switch seats and we head to the party. When we got there I see Scott looking at Alison with love in his eyes. "Maybe it would be okay" Y/n says hopeful but she spoke too soon because suddenly Scott looked out over the party goers but he looks pissed I follow his line of sight and see Derek standing there. Y/N moves closer to me as we watch Scott and Alison dance.  I groan " Oh my god this is boring, hes not doing anything"  Y/N is lying on the ground looking at the stars when she suddenly stands up " If this is soooo boring than stand up" I reluctantly stand up "alright what now" I ask. She grabs my hands and puts them on her waist and put her own hands on my shoulders. "now we can blend in with the party goers" she says laughing. For 1 song we stand happy listening to the music. But then the song stops and I see Lydia and Jackson making out  on the porch. I back away from Y/n. Then I look around for Scott. "shit hes gone" I see Alison looking around worried. I walk over to her " have you seen Scott" She points to inside and I walking to see Scott stumbling around. Y/n and I walk over to him " yo Scott you okay" I ask. I get no response. Y/N walks over putting a hand on his shoulder " hey Scott do you need help?" she asks in a calm tone. Scott just keeps walking till he's out of the party. I follow and see him get in his car and drive off. 

"Shit" i kick the door frame " Shit hes gone" Y/N grabs my arm. I push her off. " this is your fault i was distracted and now we lost Scott." she pulls pack "My Fault YOU SAID YOU WERE BORED ALSO I WAS NOT THE ONLY ONE DANCING THERE STILES SO STOP BLAMING ME FOR SHIT THAT IS NOT JUST MY FAULT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO WATCH HIM SO ITS YOUR FAULT TOO" she walks off throwing the keys to my jeep at my feet. "Y/N wait I'm - I'm sorry" but she was already gone. 

Y/N pov

How dare he say this was my fault I was just trying to help him. He said he was bored and I was to so i decided to take a chance but of course or magical movie moment was ruined by some stupid shit. I see stiles drive away and realize i gave up my ride so i look around hoping to find someone who can drive me. I run over to Alison " hey can i hitch a ride with you" I ask. "yea sure but im getting driven by one of Scott's friends." Scott's friends? " who, I know all of Scott's friends who's driving you." She point's to Derek Hale, Shit I don't know why he's even here this is a high school party. Whatever I need the ride. 

We get in and he starts to head towards Alison's house. She gets out and walks to her door waving. As he drives off. I'm sitting in the back just hoping he doesn't say anything but of course i was wrong. " how's Scott doing" he asks " shouldn't I ask you that I mean you were the one being all weird and starring at Scott at the party." I say annoyed. He stops the car and turns around " Listen I'm trying to help Scott" He grabs my chin " so leave me alone and back off. Scott needs help and only I can help him. If you want Scott to live back off." He looks downat his hand and lets go. "Sorry i-"he starts but I get out of the car, we were only like a block from from my house anyway. As the car drives away, i feel my chin but pull away quickly as i feel a sharp pain. 

When i get home I change into pjs and snuggle up on the sofa. When I hear some one knocking on my door like crazy. I walk over and open the door but as soon as I do Stiles throws his arms around me. "Oh thank god." Stiles says. i push him away "what do you want Stiles" He looks at my chin and reaches out to touch it. "what happened?" he asks voice filled with concern. "none of your business. why are you here Stiles."   He takes a deep breath " Scott realized that it was Derek that bit him and killed the person in the woods, and I saw you and Alison leave with Derek and I just needed to be sure you were okay." I reach up and touch my chin gingerly. " Where is Scott." Stiles looks at me confused "why Sco-" I grab Stiles' shoulder "He wants Scott. Stiles where is he?"Stiles looks around "Oh shit he ran out of his house when I went to check on him" I grab my coat " Okay then lets go"

By the time we find Scott the sun is up. We pull up along side him and i open the door. "Where's you shirt?" he laughs " Yeah whatever" he hops in and Stiles turns to face him "what happened"  he holds up his hand " I got shot with an arrow and I met with Derek again. He saved me and then said we were brothers... he said the bite was a gift" he takes a deep breath " you know what worries me the most" Stiles looks over "if you say Alison I'm going to punch you in the head." He looks out the window "She probably hates me now." I look over at Scott "I doubt that. But you should probably come up with a pretty awesome apology." Stiles smiles " Or you can tell her the truth and revel in the awesomeness that your a werewolf."  Scott looks at Stiles frowning " Ok bad idea" Stiles says sighing. "hey its okay we'll get through this" I say patting Scott's shoulder. Stiles sighs " If I have to I'll chain you up myself on full moon nights and feed you like mice" Scott looks over at Stiles "I had a vole once I could do it." he says. We all laugh and for a moment Scott didn't just get shot and we are just teenagers driving to school in a blue jeep. 

I watch with Stiles as Scott apologies to Alison "Ooo look shes smiling thats a good sign."  Stiles looks over "oh but shes walking away" Stiles says " oh wait never mind shes just going home" Stiles and I turn around in our hiding spot "I'm sorry, I know it wasn't your fault I was just upset" I look over at him smiling "Don't worry you're forgiven" I say. He smile and we walk in to the school.

A/N im finished with the first episode of the show XD Im so exited to be writing this my first Fanfic kinda sucked so im really exited for this one not to suck i guess.



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