You swing for a different team, but you still play ball

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"Scott didn't get the necklace?" I shake my head, a tinge of disappointment in my voice. "No, not yet." Stiles nods. "He's still working on it. But, there's something else we can try. The night we were trapped at the school, Scott sent a text to Allison, asking her to meet him there." Derek looks at us, a puzzled expression on his face. "...So?"

"So, it wasn't Scott," Stiles clarifies. "Well, can you find out who sent it?" Derek asks, directing his question to both Stiles and me. I shake my head, and Stiles adds, "No, not us... But, I think I know somebody who can." Just then, we hear a knock at the front door, and Stiles eagerly runs to answer it.

Derek looks at me curiously, silently asking who it could be. "Don't look at me, I don't know what's happening either," I admit, chuckling. The door opens, and to our surprise, Danny and Stiles walk in. "Hi Danny," I greet him, unsure of what's happening. Danny glances between Stiles, Derek, who is now sitting down looking at a book, and me.

Stiles takes the lead, addressing Danny, "I need you to trace a text" He says bluntly. "You want me to do what?" Danny asks "Trace a text." Danny reluctantly sits down at Stiles' desk, "I came here to do lab work... that's what lab partners do." I nod in agreement, attempting to smooth things over, "And we will! Once you help us trace the text." Stiles nods. "After."

Danny glances at Stiles, raising an eyebrow, "And what makes you think I know how to do that?" Stiles stutters, "I-I looked up your arrest report, so-" I shoot Stiles a disapproving look. "You did what?!?" Danny defends himself, "I-I was thirteen. They dropped the charges."

Stiles nods, "Whatever." Danny shakes his head "No, we're doing lab work." He grabs a stool from beside Stiles' table and moves it beside Stiles, sitting down and looking at the computer screen reflection at Derek. Stiles smiles and then says "Oh, my..." Danny curiously glances at Derek, gesturing subtly with his thumb. "Who's he again?" I look at Stiles nervouly. "Um, my cousin... Miguel..." Derek slowly glances up to glare daggers at Stiles through his eyelashes. He looks back down at his book.  "...Is that blood on his shirt?" Danny says. I nod "Yeah. Yes. Well, he gets these horrible nosebleeds." Stiles nods and with a fake smiles he says "Hey, Miguel... I thought I told you you could borrow one of my shirts?" Derek closes the book in one swift motion, never taking his glare off Stiles. With another motion he sends it onto the bed as he stands up jerkily and walks over to the dresser, pulling his shirt off his head aggressively. He tosses it onto the ground. 

I turn towards Danny "So, anyway, I mean, we all know you have the skills to trace that text, so we should probably-" Derek interupts me "Uh, Stiles...?" Stiles looks at him "Yes?" Derek tugs at the shirt in his hands irritably. "This... no... fit!" Stiles nods "Then try something else on!" I turn to Danny. "Sorry." When I look at him he's starring at Derek who is now shirtless/ Derek grabs a blue and orange striped shirt. Stiles has that look on his face and then he says "Hey, that one looks pretty good, huh? What do you think, Danny?" Danny looks at Stiles momentarily tearing his gaze from Derek. "Huh?" 

"The shirt?" Danny nods slightly "It's... it's not really his color..." Derek scowls before he pulls the shirt over his head again. Stiles and Danny both look back at the computer screen. "You swing for a different team, but you still play ball, don't you, Danny-boy?" I glare at Stiles" STILES" I whisper yell. Danny glares at him "You're a horrible person." Stiles nods "I know. It keeps me awake at night. Anyway, about that text..." He's once again interrupted by an extremely frustrated Derek. "Stiles! None of these fit!"

I turn to Derek. "D-Miguel just pick one. One of them has to fit." Danny looks back at Derek who is once again shirtless. "I'll need the ISP, the phone number, and the exact time of the text." Stiles nods and Danny gets to work. I walk back to Derek. "Here let me help." He steps back. "This is... Too small.... there's no way you would where this... Stiles where is your plain gray tee-shirt that you wore to freshman orientation... the one that was too big." he looks at me. "That was really specific.... bottom drawer." I grab the shirt and throw it to Derek and then walk over to Stiles. "So do you keep a mental inventory of all my outfits?" I feel my self blush slightly. "No!" Danny pauses what he's doing and glances back at me before shaking his head and looking back at the computer. We sit in silence and wait for a few minutes and then Danny sits back. "There. The text was sent from a computer. This one." Derek glances at us "Registered to that account name?" Stiles shakes his head "No, no, no, no. That can't be right." 

Sorry this is short this will probably be the last chapter for a few days my computer is being resent out for repairs
Love you

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