it didn't happen

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During chemistry I skip class and sit in the hallway near the library. I pull out my phone and look through old pictures. I stop at a picture of my mom and smile. This was about 3 years before the crash. I pause when I think of the crash and remember what happened this morning. No results. I turned to my bag and grabbed the pages I printed out this morning and started reading.

Today, the hale house burned to the ground. Killing 8 people. There was 1 survivor Peter Hale. Derek hale and sister Laura Hale were at school at the time of the fire and have been placed in the system till any remaining family steps forward.

I read the rest of the articles but didn't find much information that I didn't already know. I glance up from the articles and see Jackson sitting next to Alison 40 feet away from me. I watch, and they are laughing awkwardly, but then Jackson leans closer to her, and she looks uncomfortable. I stand up and walk over to them. "Hey Alison," She looks up at me and smiles. "Hey Y/N, Where are you going?" I glance at Jackson and back at Alison. "I'm going to economics. You want to come?" She nods and I stick my hand out to help her up. She smiles "Yeah sure." she stands up and we walk to my economics class. "You okay?" I ask. She nods "He said he wanted to apologies for being rude to me and Scott." I laugh "He wanted to apologies to SCOTT" Alison nods "Well he was lying" I stop at the classroom and we walk in.

As I walk to a seat near where Scott and Stiles are Alison quickly sits behind Scott. I sit next to Stiles and he looks at me worried. "Hey I haven't seen you all day" Alison says to Scott. I glace at Stiles and lean over to him and whisper "He's seen her" Stiles bites back a laugh and we listen to Scott and Alison. "When are you you going to get your phone fixed? I feel like I"m totally disconnected from you." Scott shakes his head. "Uh, soon. Real soon." Alison smiles "I changed lab partners by the way." Scott glances at the board "Oh, to who?" Alison leans over her desk "To you Dummy." Scott looks back at her confused "Me? I mean, are you sure?" Alison nods "Yeah, this way I have an excuse to bring you home to study." She says smiling wind "Oh" Scott says almost disappointed. "you don't mind do you?" Alison asks. "I just... I don't want to bring your grade down." I lean over to Stiles "He's drowning" I whisper. Stiles nods and whispers back "This is painful." I nod and we listen back in "Maybe I can bring your grade up." Alison says. Stiles rolls his eyes and whispers to me "There is no saving his grade." I smile lightly hit his shoulder. "Come by my place tonight. 8:30?" Alison asks "tonight?" Scott asks. Alison nods "8:30" Coach hits a book down on his desk

"Let's settle down. Let's start with a quick summary of last nights reading." A few kids put their hands up "Greenburge put your hand down everyone knows you did the reading. How about.. Macall" Scott looks up confused "what?" Coach sits on his desk "The reading" Scott looks worried "Last night's reading?" Coach looks at Scott "how about the reading of The Gettysburg Address?" People laugh "What?" Scott asks confused. "thats sarcasm. You familiar with the term 'Sarcasm' McCall" He looks back at us "Very." Stiles smiles. "Did you do the reading or no" Coach asks. "Umm. I think I forgot" Coach looks annoyed "Nice work, Macall. It's not like you're averaging a 'D' in this class. Come on, buddy. You know I can't keep you on the team if you have a 'D'." Coach says. The hear rate monster beeps and Stiles points it at me. "How about the previous night's reading? Or any of the readings for that matter." Scott just shakes his head. "How about you summarize anything you've ever read in your entire life?" Coach yells "I- ah-" Scott stutters. "No a blog, How about the back of a cereal box?" His heart rate keeps rising. "No? How about the adults-only warning from your favorite website you visit every night?" My mouth falls open " lay off" I say but he just keeps going "Anything thank you, McCall, Thank you. Thank you, McCall!" Coach hits his desk. "Thank you for extinguishing any last flicker of hope I have for this generation. You just blew it for everybody. Thanks. Next practice you can start with suicide runs" Alison reaches over to Scott and holds his hand under the desks. "Unless that's too much reading." his heart rate slows down. Stiles and I look at each other. "Alison isn't the problem" I whisper. "She's the solution" Stiles says. "Alright everybody else settle down." Class gets back in to session. Scott and Alison never stop holding hands.

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