Dead body 2

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A/N y/n's out fit is above you can change it if you want.

I wait outside my house for Stiles to pick me up falling asleep on my front step. I'm wearing my comfiest sweatshirt so if I need i can fall asleep in biology. I hear a  honk and stand up slowly walking towards Stiles' jeep. "Hey" he says as i reach the door handle I get in and immediately fall asleep. 

Stiles POV

I get to y/n's house and honk but instantly i regret it. She looks up and looks tired as hell, don't get me wrong she looks nice but tired. When she gets closer to the car I say "hey" She gets in and waves a little, but pretty much instantly falls asleep. I buckle her seat belt just in case and drive off. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I look away blushing. I've known Y/N since 3rd when my mom died. She was staying the room right next to my moms. She had been driving to meet her dad in Beacon hills when a car hit them killing her mom. Her dad never came forward and she was put in foster care in Beacon hills. She's been through 3 homes her longest being this one of 3 years, the Richards have been good for her. She knew what I was going through when my mom died really helped me through it and ever since then we've been inseparable.

When we got to school I almost didn't wake her but I knew she would have killed me if I made her late. After she had woke up we started walking in to school when Scott ran over to us. "Okay lets see this thing" I say after y/n and Scott filled me in on whats happened last night with the wolf. "Ooo" I say reaching over to touch it "hey "Scott says pulling away. 

Y/N pov

"It was pretty dark but i looked kinda like a wolf" Scott says. I nod. Stiles looks at us and says " its impossible wolves have not have in California for like 60 years." I look over at him "We heard a wolf howl." He chuckles "No you didn't" Scott rolls his eyes and says " well what ever it was y/n tackled it and then it ran off." I smile "it was nothing" Scott says " it was awesome." Stiles put his arm around my shoulder and says " y/n, modest as always" I start blushing like crazy and turn my head hoping he doesn't notice. "Oh we also found the body" I say. Stiles looks from Scott to me looking WAY to exited " wait are you kidding my you found the body. Are you joking?!?" Scott looks at me and says "I wish I'm going to have nightmares for months" I scrunch up my nose "It was really gross you could see the organs spilling out also it was the top half if you were wondering." Stiles looks around grinning ear to ear. " That is friken awesome, I mean seriously this is the best thing to happen since" he pause as Lydia Martin walks by " Since the birth of Lydia Martin."  His gaze fallows her and I slip out from under his arm. " Hey Lydia looking- like your going to ignore me." he sighs "OK" He turns to Scott " your the cause of this you know" Scott rolls his eyes "uh huh" Stiles says " your dragging me down to your nerd depths." I roll my eyes " im a nerd by association " Im getting frustrated by all this shit he thinks because of Lydia so I say " Stiles You are a nerd and so is Scott and so am I so stop being a jerk and just except it" I say storming off. The last thing I heard was Stiles saying "whats wrong with her" 

I sit down in class and realize that im in class with Scott and Stiles so storming off didn't really matter. They just sit down next to me. I ignore them to the best of my ability but that's pretty hard with stiles around. He keeps tapping me on the shoulder till I finally turn around and he says " hey you good" I look at his concerned look and all my anger fades away "yea I'm just tired." He winks at me and says "good i can have you being mad at me. I would die if we stopped talking" I smile and turn around trying to push the wink out of my mind. The teacher says "As you all know there was a body found in woods-" Scott looks over at me and Stiles. the teacher ramble on about something but when he says they have apprehended a suspect I perk up but he doesn't say anything else. So i just put my head down and tried to get some sleep in.  I'm about 10 minutes in to my nap when I hear the door open. " Class this is our new student, Alison Argent, please do your best to make her feel welcome." Alison walks over and sits down behind Scott he hands her a pen.Bro she didn't even ask. Its obvious he likes her. I put my head back down and wait for this class to be over.

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