What the hell Scott

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We get back to the jeep and drop Scott off at the Animal clinic. Stiles offers to drive me home but i just want to stay with him so we go to his house. "hey what else do you know about Derek Hale" I ask. He looks down at me and says "not much to know just that his family burned to death in that fire and only 2 survived Derek and one other, I'm not sure who the other person was." I sit down on his couch and he jumps down after me. " whats wrong" he asks. I smile up at him " nothing just thinking about what happened in the woods today" He puts his arm around my shoulder and says " hey Y/N, you know I wouldn't let anything happen to you." I blush and Stiles starts to ramble "i mean- you and Scott like i won't let anything happen to you guys like i mean. I- we-y/n" I smile "Stiles dude calm down if it really came down to it I'm pretty sure I would be more likely to take down someone but its the thought that counts" I say laughing " hey I could take down someone." I roll my eyes and get up to go get food. Stiles and I eat 2 tubs of ice cream and I fall sleep listening to him talk about werewolves and Scott.

When I wake up I hear Stiles and Mr. Stilinski  in the kitchen when I walk in Mr. Stilinski says "Good morning Y/N, do David and Cherie know your here" I sigh knowing that when i go home my foster parent will kill me. "no ill text them"  I look down at my clothes and say "hey Stiles my shirt got ice cream on it can you go grab me one to change in to." he nods and runs up to his room. Mr. Stilinski looks over at me and smiles " thank you" he says. I look at him confused " for what?" Mr. Stilinski grabs his car keys and walks over to the door he says " For taking care of Stiles. I don't even want to think about what it would be like if he didn't have you and Scott." he walks out the door and I smile. Stiles comes down stairs and throws me a gray shirt. (Above^) I go change shirts and me and stiles go get in his jeep and drive to school. When we get there I get out and say "hey i got to go see you in biology." he waves as i run into the school. 

As im walking in to the school I hear Jackson talking, well, yelling at someone. I sneak up and listen to what he is saying I miss the beginning of what hes saying " -Where your getting your juice." I hear the boy say " what" oh no its Scott. "Where Are You Getting Your Juice"I hear Scott pause and I'm about to walk out when finally I hear Scott say "  My mom does all the grocery shopping" I bite back a laugh and keep listening " no listen Macall your going to tell me exactly what it is and who your buying from, because there is no way your out there kicking ass on the field without some chemical boost" Scott takes a second and then says " Oh you mean Steroids... are you on steroids" I hear Jackson push Scott in to the lockers and step out from my hiding spot "Whats going on with you Macall" Jackson asks " You really want to know well so would I Because I can see, hear, and smell things i should not be able to see, hear, and smell! I'm sleep walking 3 miles out to the middle of the woods and I'm pretty sure I'm out of my fricken mind!" I walk over to Jackson and push him away from Scott. I say " he's not using so back the hell away." He looks from me to Scott and says " you think your funny. I know your hiding something and I'm going to find out what it is." he punches the locker next to Scott's head and walks away. "you good" I ask Scott. He nods.We walk towards the field for the scrimmage. Stiles walks towards us. "I'm going to go try not to die during this scrimmage"  we walk out t the feild. "oh also there was wolf hair on the body my dad just got the call." then he runs off. "Oh shit."  I say as i walk over to the bleachers. 

The boys are in a huddle on the field Coach giving one of his weird speeches. then the game starts.  Scott gets knocked down by Jackson a couple times but then he gets really good again. He avoids the whole team and scores like its nothing. I mean he does a fucking back flip. The whole team cheers and Alison jumps up clapping. Coach calls Scott over and I try to listen in but all I hear is that Scott IS STARTING! I run over to him and hug him saying how good he did but when I look over at Stiles and he doesn't seem too happy. I walked over and hugged him too. He looks at me and asks " why are you hugging me Scott's the new MVP." I smile and say "yea but your my MVP. can we go to your house after I'm going to avoid going home till tonight" he looks down at me and says "yea sure." 

Time Skip brought to you by Miguel Stiles's cousin from mexico

When we get to his house we go strait to his room and he gets on his computer. I take a nap on his bed but at some point I wake up and Scott walks in. "hey Scott" I say sleepily. "Hey y/-" Stiles cuts him off saying he did a bunch of research. "is this about the body?" Scott asks " No, they are still questing people." I say. Stiles looks at me weird "you talk lot Stiles." He nods and says " even Derek Hale but that's not what this is about" he puts his hand up and says " remember the joke the other day... the wolf bite, not a joke anymore." he stands up " i started reading up i- DO you even know why a wolf howls?" Scott looks back at me then back to stiles "should I?" Stiles starts talking a mile a minute "It's a signal, when a wolf is alone it howls to let others know where it is, so If you heard a wolf howling others could have been near by maybe a whole pack." Scott looks confused " a whole pack of wolves" Stiles takes a breath " no werewolves" Scott stands up " your seriously wasting my time with this, you know I'm picking up Alison in an hour." He stops him from leaving. " I saw you on the filed today Scott, what you did wasn't just amazing it was impossible." Scott looks around "yea so I made a good shot"  He grabs Scott's bag and throws it on the bed " No you made an incredible shot you speed, reflexes, agility, you can just do that over night. And there is the vision and the sens-" I cut him off " what he's trying to say is what your doing is incredible but impossible." Scott looks at me "your on his side my life is perfect right now why are you guys trying to ruin it" I get mad " We are trying to help. Stiles just spent like 3 hours researching this shit, We are not trying to ruin  your life we are your best friends" Scott looks around " whatever we will talk about this tomorrow" Stiles eyes go wide "no the full moon is tonight. Do you not get this your cursed Scott. and with the moon you will change physically too. It also happens to be when your blood lust will be the highest."

"Blood lust." Scott asks "yea your urge to kill" Stiles says "Stiles I already am feeling like i want to kill you" Stiles picks up a book "the change can be cause by anger or anything the can raise you pulse alright I've never seen something raise your pulse like Alison does" he stands up and starts rifling through Scott's bag " you've got to cancel this date now." he grabs Scott's phone "what are you doing" Scott asks. Stiles starts to dial in his phone "i'm canceling this date" Scott grabs Stiles shirt and pushes him agents the wall grabbing the phone"NO give it to me" he looks like hes going to hit Stiles but I jump up pushing Scott away " WHAT THE HELL SCOTT" i say standing between him and Stiles. He breathes heavily "I'm sorry" he says and grabs his bag walking out leaving me and Stiles stunned. I turn to Stiles " are you okay" He looks at me and then suddenly he hugs me he stays like that for a minute then he pulls away he goes to pick up the chair when he does he looks at the back and stops "was that always there" I ask pointing to the scratch marks. "No those are brand new."

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