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What ever dress you want

We all lean over the wall, covertly watching Jackson talking to Alison. I turn to Scott, curious. "What's he saying?" Scott watches closely. "He's just talking about the dance." I nod and then gesture to Stiles. "Hey, don't worry, we'll be there too." Scott nods, determination in his eyes. "I'm still going." Stiles looks at me, "Is that such a good idea? Do you even have a date?" Scott shakes his head, and Stiles continues, "Do you have a suit?" Scott's face falls, "Not yet." I chime in, "Do you have a ticket to the formal? A ride there?" Scott sadly admits, "No... and no..." Stiles summarizes, "So, you're gonna ride your bike to a dance that you're not even allowed to go to, without a date, a suit, or a way in, with Werewolves and Werewolf Hunters all out to kick your little Werewolf ass?" Scott nods again."Yeah... Are you guys gonna help me?" Stiles and I exchange a knowing glance and then smile. "Hell, yeah."


I'm strolling around the mall with Stiles, searching for the perfect dress. He looks at me with a hint of curiosity. "What are you looking for?" he asks. I shrug, "Not sure. Just a dress I like." Stiles smirks teasingly, "very specific." I chuckle.  I see a (Blue/Black/Whatever color you prefer) dress and instantly grab it. Stiles grins. "Looks amazing," he remarks. I return the smile, saying, "It looks... Perfect. I'm gonna go try this on. Stay here." He nods, agreeing to wait, and I make my way to the changing room. Inside, the dress fits like a dream. I can't help but smile at how good it looks on me. An idea crosses my mind - maybe I should ask Stiles to go to the event with me as friends at the very least. After changing back into my regular clothes, I head back to where I left Stiles. 

As I walk toward Stiles, my heart skips a beat when I spot Lydia and Allison with him. Stiles is holding a stack of dresses for Lydia, and she quickly pulls him away. I greet Alison with a smile. "Hey... What are you doing here?" she asks. My eyes dart briefly in Stiles' direction. "I was dress shopping... But I found the perfect one right here." I hold up the dress, and she returns the smile. "Ooh, I love it," she remarks.

We both start browsing through the dresses on the rack. She asks for my opinion on one of them, but before I can respond, a voice interjects. "That's not your color." I look up, and my face loses color when I see Peter smiling at Allison. I can't hide my annoyance, but he continues, "Sorry if that was intrusive. But considering your skin tone, I'd go lighter." Allison examines herself in the mirror. "Because I'm pale?" Peter shakes his head, "Fair. I mean, you can't call skin like yours 'pale.' Not skin that perfect." I step closer to Allison, shooting Peter an icy glare.

Alison responds with a cautious, "Okay..." Peter plucks a dress off the rack, adding, "Trust me, I-I have a unique perspective on the subject. Do you mind?" He holds the dress up to her. "See? Much better." Alison nods in agreement, but our conversation is interrupted by a PA announcement. "Attention shoppers... To the owner of a blue Mazda, license plate -" Alison's eyes widen, and she looks at us. "Did she just say a blue Mazda?" The announcement continues, "--5768. Your car is being towed." Without wasting a moment, Alison rushes off, exclaiming, "Oh! That's my car!"

I sigh in relief. "Thank god." Glaring up at Peter, I notice that he's now looking at a wall. He begins speaking, his words seemingly directed towards Scott, who I presume is behind the wall. "I have to say, Scott, I continue to be impressed with your ingenuity. Just remember... you can't be everywhere all the time," Peter remarks as he glances briefly at me before departing. I walk over to the wall and find Scott there. "Hey," I greet him. He meets my gaze and responds, "Hey." I lean against the wall beside him, wearing a determined expression. "You need to be at that dance." Scott nods resolutely. "Yep."


I sit down next to Lydia and Stiles at a table near the back doors. I gaze at the people dancing, letting out a sigh. Stiles glances at Lydia. "You wanna dance?" he asks Lydia. She shakes her head dismissively. "Pass." Stiles stands up, determined. "You know what? Let me try that again. Lydia, get off your cute little ass and dance with me now." Lydia eyes him with a sly smirk. "Interesting tactic, I'm gonna stick with no." I decide I can't handle Lydia's attitude right now, so I get up and walk away. As I move, I notice Jackson holding a bottle of liquor. I take it from him. He protests, "Hey!" But I cut him off. "I will tell Coach you brought this." He backs down, and I continue walking. Heading to the lacrosse field, I take a seat in the bleachers and find myself staring at the bottle in my hand. "Fuck," I whisper, overcome with frustration. I decide to throw it away, and I hear the glass shatter as it collides with the bleachers.

I cover my face with my hands, muttering, "I'm so damn stupid." Then, I hear a voice and peek through my fingers. Lydia is walking out onto the field, looking around frantically. "Lydia?" I say, quickly sitting up. She continues to call out for Jackson, her voice filled with worry. "Jackson? Jackson? Jackson!" she yells, panic in her tone. I stand and approach her. "Lydia? Jackson isn't out here," I say, trying to reassure her. I glance around, searching for any sign of him. "Jackson? Is that you?" she cries, becoming increasingly distressed. 

Suddenly, Peter appears, running out to her and bites her. My heart races as I stare at the horrifying scene unfolding before me. "NO!" I shout, breaking into a sprint to reach them. Stiles appears beside me, running alongside. Peter extends his claws and presses them against Lydia's neck her body limp on the ground. I shake my head in desperation. "Don't kill her... Please..." Stiles pleads with Peter to spare Lydia. Peter wears a fake smile and says, "Of course not! Just tell me how to find Derek." Stiles and I exchange bewildered glances. "W-what?"

"Tell me how to find Derek Hale." Stiles shakes his head "I don't know that. How would I know that?" Peter smiles "Because you're the clever one, aren't you? And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth... or I will rip her apart." I shake my head "Look, he don't know, okay?" Stiles nods "I sw-swear to God, I have no idea." Peter shakes his head "TELL ME!" Stiles shakes his head "Okay, okay, okay, look... I-I think he knew-- I think he... I think he knew he was gonna be caught." I glance at him. "By the Argents?" Stiles nods "Yeah... When they were shot, he and Scott-- I think he took Scott's phone." PETER: Why? STILES: They all have GPS now. So, if he still has it, and if it's still on... you can find him." 

Peter's sinister grin widens. "Let's go," he commands, as if enjoying the power he holds over us. But Stiles refuses to let Lydia's safety hang in the balance. "No. I'm not just letting you leave her here," Stiles defiantly states, his determination outweighing his fear. Peter's amusement doesn't waver. "You don't have a choice. You two are coming with me. Call your friend. Tell Jackson where she is. That's all you get." Reluctantly, Stiles complies, pulling out his phone to call Jackson. 

I can't hold back my anger at Peter's callousness. "You're a sick piece of shit. He loves her," I hiss at him. Peter leans down, his chilling smile still in place. "Exactly," he replies. He finishes the call, Peter seizes control, forcibly pushing us toward Stiles' jeep. With Lydia's life hanging in the balance, Peter thrusts me into the back seat, and I shoot him a venomous glare. Peter takes his place in the passenger seat and fixes his gaze on Stiles. "Drive." 

Stiles stares at him but doesn't move. He pushes his head down onto the steering wheel roughly. "STOP!" I say. Peter glances at me. "You drive then." I nod and Stiles and I switch. We drive but the entire way Stiles glares at him. "Where are we going?" I ask hesitantly. "You'll see. Turn right." I nod and turn. He glances back at Stiles "Don't feel bad. If she lives, she'll become a Werewolf. She'll be incredibly powerful." Stiles Scoffs "Yeah, and once a month, she'll go out of her freaking mind and try to tear people apart." Peter shrugs "Well, actually, considering that she's a woman... Twice a month." I glance at him. "Turn left." He says. 


Hey guys.... it's your author. I'm going to explain why it's taken me so long to write.

I lost Hulu, so I can't watch the show, which makes it hard and... I saw something..... Tyler had a video that got leaked. idk when, but someone showed it to me, and now when I watch Teen Wolf, all I can see is his dick. So I have been working on it slowly. I'm still writing. I'm just slow going. I'm really sorry.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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