Just look at me

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A/N- N/N= nickname

Stiles and I fall asleep In his jeep while we wait for the police to show up. I open my eyes and see Scott talking to the cops and Mr. Stilinski walking towards us. I shake Stiles "hey hey your dads here." He moves his arm and says " just give me a minute N/N." I blush at the nickname. "Stiles your dad is outside you window" I whisper. He opens his eyes and looks up at me. "Fine lets go. " He sits up and gets out of the car. I get out and go stand by Scott as we watch Derek get put in the back of the cop car. " I'll be right back" I say. I walk over to the cop car as Scott whisper yells "no" at me. I open the door and hop in the front seat. I quickly turn around an look at Derek. " Okay-" I get cut off by Stiles jumping in the other side of the car. "Okay just so you know we're not afraid of you." Stiles says. Derek just glares at us " Okay maybe I am afraid of you." He says backing up slightly. "Doesn't matter. the girl you killed she was a werewolf. She was a different kind werewolf she she could turn into a wolf. I know Scott can't do that." I lean in grabbing the bars separating them us. " is that why you killed her" He glares at us " why are you so worried about me when its your friend who's the problem. What do you thing is going to happen when he shifts on the field. Huh. I can't stop him from playing but you can. and trust me" He leans in quickly, Stiles backs up but i stay rooted in my place. " you want to." I glare at him and am about to say something when Stiles is ripped from the car by his dad. "Y/N get out of the cruiser." I get out and walk over to Mr. Stilinski " hey Mr. Stilinski is there any way you don't have to tell David and Cheri about this." He drags me and Stile's away from the car. " what the hell were you doing" Stiles sighs " I'm just trying to help" Mr. Stilinski does not look convinced " uh-huh why don't you help me understand how you came across this?" Stiles Sighs again "we were looking Scott's inhaler." I look at Stiles with wide eyes " Which you dropped when" "the other night" Stiles says. I put my head in my hands. " When you were looking for the other half of the body" Stiles nods " When you told me you were alone and they were at home" Mr. Stilinski says. "Yes" Stiles looks at me then back at his dad. "NO. Ah crap" he drops his head. " So you lied to me" Stiles lifts his head " That depends on how you define lying" Mr. Stilinski Sighs judgement " I define it as not telling the truth. What do you define it as?" Stiles smiles " reclining in a horizontal pos-" Mr. Stilinski cuts him off "get the hell out of here" We start to walk away " Y/N Wait" Mr. Stilinski says. I turn around " I'm sorry I jus-" Mr. Stilinski sighs " Y/N you can't get caught up in stuff like this there are only so many foster homes in this district. If you screw this one up you may have to change schools." I feel the fear creep into my eyes. "I won't tell David and Cheri this time but I need you to be more careful okay" I force a smile at him " Okay" I turn and walk over to Stiles and Scott. We get in his jeep and start to drive off.

" I can't find anything about wolfs bane being used for burial" I whine from the back seat. "me neither" Scott says. "just keep looking" Stiles says. "yeah yea." I say " maybe its a ritual or something like they bury you as a wolf. or maybe its a skill you learn." Scott sighs " I'll put it on my to do list, Underneath how the hell I'm playing this game tonight." I look over at Scott " We will figure it out i-" Stiles cuts me off " maybe its different for girl werewolves." Scott looks at Stiles annoyed " Stop it! Stop Saying werewolves. STOP ENJOYING THIS SO MUCH."  Scott yells "hey Scott he's just trying to help" I say "you okay" Stiles asks his voice filled with concern " NO I'M NOT IM SO FAR FROM OKAY" Stiles looks from me to the road " your going to have to except this alright " Scott groans " NO" he groans again "well your going to have to" I look at Scott "Stiles hes not okay" Scott hits the roof of the Jeep " I can't breath. AHHH. PULL OVER" Stiles swerves " why" Scott rips open Stiles' bag and grab the purple flowers " you idiot" I say hitting the back of Stiles head "you kept it!" Scott yells. "well what was i supposed to do" Stiles says panicked. "STOP THE CAR" Scott says his eyes burning yellow. Stiles comes to a screeching halt and jumps out of the car chucking his bag as far as he can. "SCOTT" I yell as he runs off in to the woods. I open my door and run after him but he's already gone I walk back and Stiles runs to me pulling me in to a tight hug. " OH THANK GOD I THOUGHT YOU MAY HAVE GOTTEN LOST OR OH GOD... Okay lets go" we get in to his jeep and he calls 911 saying something but I'm too busy scanning the trees for any sign of Scott. " Stiles we know he wants to play in the game lets start there." He nods and turns towards the school.

Just kiss me already- Teen wolf x readerWhere stories live. Discover now