Hey, Dick brain

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This chapter is doesn't totally follow the story line I just wanted to have Y/N have some more info on her past. 

I hear clicking and roll over. I see Stiles researching away on his laptop. "Stiles it's too early for... Whatever this is." he looks at me and points to his screen. " Homework." I groan. "Anything on Scott and Derek." Stiles pulls out his phone. "No but...." He trails off. I sit up tiredly. "What? What happened?" He runs to the door and I slowly follow him. I see Scott standing in the doorway.  

"Hey, Dick brain." I say glaring at him. Scott stares at us and then says. "Last night I was a mess. The full moon messed with my head, and I ended up saying and doing some really dumb stuff. I feel like an idiot for letting it happen. You guys are my best friends, man, and I never want anything to come between us. I'm sorry. I know sorry doesn't magically fix things, but-" I share a look with Stiles and he nods. I cut Scott off. "Shut up man. We forgive you." Stiles nods and Scott lets out a sigh. "Good, that speech went on for like 10 more minutes." 

I laugh "Well, I'm glad I stopped you." I walk them back to my living room and we all sit down to talk. Scott explains what happened last night. "Derek told me that the cure is to kill the one who bit you." I look at him. "Your not a killer Scott." He looks at me. "I'm not stay as this. I can't be with Alison and be this." He gestures to himself. 


I usher Scott and Stiles out of my house. "OUT!" I say playfully. "You guys have been here for like 6 hours and we are just going in circles. I need sleep and-" Stiles cuts me off "But we could just stay here and sleep her-" I roll my eyes and push them out the door. "Goodbye, I love you, Adios, Aloha." I close the door and laugh. I hear Stiles' car drive off and walk into my living room cleaning up the mess we all made. "Shit we ate all my chips." I whisper. Picking up the empty packages. I throw them out and grab the Richard's car keys. 

I walk out to the garage. "Do I wanna risk ruining their car for chips." I stand in front of the car and then slid into the driver's seat. "Maybe I have a mild problem with chips." I say pulling out of the garage. I pull into a gas station and walk in grabbing 4 bags of chips. 

"$19.58" The worker says. I pull out a 20 and hand it to the man walking out of the store. "Highway robbery." I whisper. Getting back in the car. I pull out of the gas station and begin to drive home. "Don't stop driving." A voice says from behind me. "I turn and look at it and see Derek. "WHAT THE HELL?!?!" I say swerving. He puts a hand on my shoulder. "Don't crash." He says. I look back at him through the rear-view mirror. 

"I'll try." I say making eye contact. "I got your message." He says. I look back at him. "Message?" He looks at me confused. "The certificate. It was at the house." I stare at the road. I didn't leave anything at his house. I haven't seen my birth certificate since that night. "Right the certificate." I say nodding. 

He rolls his eyes. "So what did you want to ask?" I nod again. "Did you know?" He looks at me. "Your going to have to be more specific." I pull over and turn around looking at him. "Did you know who my father was? Did you know that we were fucking siblings? Did you know know and why didn't you say something sooner?" I feel tears pricking in my eyes.  "Do you realize how much foster care sucks ass? I had family this entire time and you did nothing."

"My entire family died when I was 16. I was in foster care till I was 18. Yeah I know how much it sucks. Yes I knew we all knew we all-" He points to me "Your mother didn't want us in your life. She wasn't coming here to have you meet your father, she was coming here to get him to sign papers removing his parental rights. She didn't want you to be 'infected' by us." I shake my head. He nods and tries to open the door but I hit the lock. "No you can't leave yet, I have another question." He turns back to me. "What?" 

I look at Derek and say. "When she died why didn't you why didn't they come for me? She died a full 2 years before the fire." He looks down. "They didn't want to put you in danger. They wanted you to have a chance away from this. And my father wanted to respect your mother's wishes" I wipe my tears away "Well I got pulled right back into it." He unlocks the door and goes to leave but then he looks back at me. "Nothing will happen to you, I promise." I laugh sarcastically "Great, what about my friends?" He gives me one last look before running off into the night. 

I drive home and walk in to the living room sitting down on the couch. "Shit." I say starring at the Tv. I walk around the house and see the photos of the Richards. The Richards in the mountains, the Richards at the beach, the Richards being happy. I slide down the wall and sit in hall knees pulled in to my chest. 

I wanted that, I wanted to go to the mountains, the beach, I wanted a family. I feel tears seeping down my face. "Fuck" I whisper. I stay sitting on the floor until I drift off. 


I wake up and I feel my phone vibrating. When I pull it out of my pocket I see Stiles' name lighting up the screen. I pick up the phone. "Hey Y/N I have news from Scott."

"What's up?" I say into the phone. There is a pause on Stiles' end. "Are you okay?" I shake my head. "Yeah I'm fine. What's the news with Scott?" I hear a car start out side my house. "We are outside your house." I laugh and walk to the front door.

"Good morning guys" I say sliding into the back of the jeep. "Y/N it's 6 at night." I yawn. "What really? Damn I slept for 16 hours?" They look at me surprised then Stiles nods "Well I'm glad your well rested because we are helping Derek catch the Alpha." My eyes go wide. "Oh okay." I say nodding. Stiles pulls into the old hale house and then they turn back to me. "We are gonna get drive Derek's car and pick him up." 

I nod and get out of the car. We walk over to the  house and I stand in front of the door. "So do I knock or-" There is a whoosh and then Derek is behind us. "Long time no see." I say. He rolls his eyes and looks at Scott. "You ready?" He nods and we get in Derek's car. I sit in the back and Derek runs off. 

I look at at Stiles and Scott "Alright lets go." Scott smiles as he drives off. "You drive like a fricken maniac!" I yell as he turns down the road to the school. "Shut up Y/N" I laugh lightly as we pull into the school parking lot.

We sit in the parking lot waiting for Derek's signal. Then cop cars whip into the lot. "Thank god Derek has tinted windows." Scott nods then the Cops take out mega phone and says. "This is the police. You're surrounded. No one leaves the building." I feel the color drain from my face. "Shit."

"I have an idea." Scott and Stiles look at me and I open the window of the car slightly. "Derek If you can hear us go to the iron works. We will meet you there. I look and see another car sitting on the other side of the lot pull out and drive off. "We'll try to keep the hunter's off your ass." I turn to Scott. "Drive" Scott nods and drives off. The car that I realize is Kate's was waiting. The second we drive off she follows us "Alright Scott gun it." 

I tried to write some back story let me know if you like it. Also don't forget to vote ❤️

Love you


Also I comment on a lot of stories over a lot of different genres and characters/people so if you find my comments, CONGRATS!!! 

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