If we die I'm going to kill you

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A/N- I keep wanting to write "the guys" or "the boys" instead of Stiles and Scott but I don't want Y/N to seem like a pick me. 

Stiles stands up and before me or Scott can stop him he is out the door. "Stiles" I close my eyes. I look up at Scott and he Starts banging on the window "STILES GET BACK STILES " I look and see the alpha stalking towards Stiles. " STILES STILES" We scream stiles grabs the blot cutters and runs back to us. He opens the door and shoves the bolt cutters between the handles. 

I grab Stiles and pull him in to a hug "OH MY GOD DON"T DO STUPID SHIT LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN!" I looks down at me and says "why are you yelling" I glare at him. We looks out the window "Where is it?" Stiles shines the flashlight through the window "I don't see him" I say worriedly. Scott looks down at the bolt cutters "That won't hold will it?" He says looking at Stiles. Stiles shakes his head "Probable not." I Shake my head "what the FUCK WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON. Derek was right." Scott looks at me "right about what?" I look over to them. "We're all going to die." 

For a moment they both just look at me but then Stiles walks over and wraps his arms around me. I pull back but then I just go with it. I nod and talk a deep breath. Stiles lets go. I look down the hallway and look at Stiles and Scott. They nod and we all start running away from the alpha hidden behind the door.

 We turn in to the classroom and close the door we start to push a desk towards the door, the desk screeches as it moves across the floor. "Shh! Stop, stop." He looks over at the door. "The door is not going to keep it out." He says pointing at the door. "I know" Scott says. "It's your boss." Scott looks upset "What?" I glance at the door. "Guys-" Stiles keeps talking "Deaton, the alpha? Your boss." Scott frowns "No" Stiles looks him "Yes, murdering psycho werewolf." Stiles whisper yells. "That can't be." Scott says in dismay. "6 bucks says it's not him." I say "Oh come on. He disappears and then 10 seconds later that this shows up and tosses Derek 20 feet through the air? That's not convenient timing." Scott shakes his head "It's not him."  Scott says "He killed Derek." Stiles says. "Well Derek is not dead he-he can't be dead." Stiles looks at him "Blood Spurted out of his mouth, Okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead and we are next. " Stiles says. "GUYS!" They looks at me "It truly doesn't matter who it is right now it matters that 'it' wants to kill us and that 'it' is 10,000 times stronger than any of us" I glance at Scott "Okay maybe only 100 times stronger than Scott."  They nod. 

"What do we do?" Scott asks. I shake my head "I have no idea." Stiles looks at the door. "We get to my jeep, we get the hell out of here, you seriously think about quitting your job, good?" Scott and I nod and I say "Yeah" Stiles grabs the flash light and walks over to the windows Scott goes to open them. "No, they don't open. The school's climate-controlled" I look out the window "The how do we get out?" Scott looks up the window. "We break it." Stiles looks at him " Which will make a lot of noise." Scott looks around "Then... We run really fast." I look at Scott. "Running is not really in my repertoire Scott." He looks at me "Really fast." I groan and looks at Stiles.

 "Hey Stiles whats wrong with your jeep?" Stiles looks at me "Nothing" Scott shakes his head "It's bent" Stiles looks upset "Like, dented?" Scott looks back at him "No, I mean bent." I look out and sure enough the whole hood of the jeep is bent up. Stiles shines a light through the window at the jeep. I hit the light to the ground "You idiot. What ever is out there can see the light." I say. Stiles start to say something but then the glass behind us breaks. I duck and so do Scott and Stiles. I slide back agents the wall in hopes the alpha doesn't see me. My breath quickens and I look at what cam flying through the window. The jeep battery. Oh shit

Stiles looks at the battery "That's my battery" He goes to stand up. But I pull him back down. "are you stupid? Don't move" Stiles looks at me "We have to move. We are sitting ducks here. He knows we are in here." Scott looks at us "He could be right out side." Stiles looks at him "He is right outside." Scott looks between me and Stiles and the battery "Just let me talk a look." Scott turns and looks out the window. "Anything?" Stiles asks "No" Scott says "Move now?" Stiles asks. Scott nods "Move now." 

Just kiss me already- Teen wolf x readerWhere stories live. Discover now