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I walk up to Stiles's door exited for dinner with the Stilinskis. I go to knock but right as i bring my hand up Stiles swings the door open. "Hey" He says "My dad is picking us up tonight so we are just going to eat in his car." I nod "Sounds good to me as long as there is food I'm in." He smiles and we wait out on the porch for his dad. "Did you see the new episode of-" his dad pulls in we stand up and walk to car and we hop in. Mr. Stilinski pulls out of the driveway. "So what do you kids want? McDonald's ? Wendy's? Burger King?" I look at Stiles and he shrugs "What ever is closest." I say. Mr. Stilinski nods "McDonald's it is" He turns right and asks me. "So Y/N how is School doing?" I look out the window "It's going alright Chemistry is kicking my as- butt though." Mr. Stilinski chuckles. "Yeah I think Chemistry was never really my strong suit either. What about you Stiles?" Stiles shakes his head "Mr. Harris is crazy I say one word in his class and it's 'you would benefit from some space' I mean he asked if " I tune most of Stiles's rant out and look out the window. I watch the stars pass by the car. After a while I tune back in and Stiles says " What about you Y/N?" I look at him confused. "What about me?" Mr. Stilinski turns in to the drive through "what do you want to eat?" I nod "Oh ummm. A burger with fries and a sprite please"(or what ever you want) He nods and orders. Stiles turns around in his seat and looks at me. "You good?" I smile at him "Yeah I'm just tired." he reaches his hand out and squeezes my shoulder. "I know you already know this but your always welcome our house anytime" He turns around and I smile. "alright guys here you go" he hands me my burger and I dig in. Mr. Stilinski looks at Stiles "did they forget my curly fries?" Stiles looks in the bag "your not supposed to eat fries especially the curly ones." I roll my eyes." Well, I'm carrying a lethal weapon. If I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries." I chuckle "If you think getting rid of contractions in all your sentences makes your argument any more legitimate you Are wrong." He says exaggerating the are. Mr. Stilinski glances at him while Stiles chuckles taking a sip of his drink. "unit one do you copy?" the police radio in the car says. Stiles goes to grab it but Mr. Stilinski slaps his hand away . "Ahem" Stiles leans back in his chair "sorry." His dad grabs the radio and says " Unit one copy." Stiles starts to shove his face full of curly fries I reach forward and he puts a bunch in my hand. "we have a report of a possible 187" Stiles perks up and looks at his dad "A MURDER." he says his mouth full of curly fries. "on my way" Mr. Stilinski puts the car in gear and drives us to the video store.

I lean forward in my seat and whisper "Stiles?" he looks back and whispers "yeah" I point to the ambulance "look" he looks over and sees Lydia in the back with Jackson holding her hand. Stiles leans forward and goes to unbuckle. "Stay here." His dad says and he gets out of the car. "no way" Stiles says under his breath. Mr. Stilinski walks up to Jackson "Why Can't I Just Go Home." (I meant to do the capitalization thing it was because he wasn't yelling but he wasn't calm either.) "I hear you but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard. And just want to make sure you don't have a concussion" Jackson rolls his eyes "What Part of I'M FINE are you not grasping. Okay I want to go home" Mr. Stilinski looks at him "I understand-" Jackson cuts in "NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. Which kinda blows my mind because it should be a kinda basic concept for a minimum wage rent-a-cop like you! Okay NOW I WANT TO GO HOME" Stiles opens the door and slowly gets out but he stands in the door still I stand behind him. Stiles looks upset but suddenly his mood changes. "OH WHOA IS THAT A DEAD BODY." his arm shoots out pointing at a gunnery coming out of the video store. Mr. Stilinski looks back at us disappointed. and Stiles and I get back in the car. "God he's a dick" I say Stiles looks back at me "My dad?" I laugh "What, no Jackson." He nods and i glance up at the stars again, but instead I see Scott and Derek on the roof of the video store. "Is that..." I close my eyes and look back up at the roof and their gone "Is that what" Stiles asks. I give the roof one last glance. "Nothing i thought I say someone." he nods.

Time skip brought to you by Scotts tattoo artist

I walk in to school and walk up to Stiles "where is Scott?" Stiles looks at me "I just saw him and Alison leave the school so I'm assuming they are skipping." I sigh "Shit i needed to ask him about something. Well lets get to Chemistry." He groans and we walk in I sit down next to him. Mr. Harris says " I have handed back your tests. Just a reminder parent teacher conferences are tonight students with a C or below are required to attend. I won't name you because the shame and self disgusted should be enough punishment." Stiles leans over to me and whispers "do you have to go?" I look at the test still flipped over. "I guess we will find out." I ceremoniously flip it over and sigh in relief. "I officially have a C+. So no I'm safe. What about you?" he groans and shows me his test "Damn that sucks man. Well I guess your dad is going to have a fun night with Mr. Harris." Stiles rolls his eyes. "What if you don't have parents?" some kid asks glaring at me."if a student-" I look at the dude "Jokes on you I have a C+ so I don't need to come in" Mr. Harris sighs "Y/N please refrain from talking while I am speaking" He walks down the isle "Has anyone seen Scott Macall?" he asks. Stiles looks up from the page he was highlighting he looks like he is going to say something but Jackson walks in the door first. He sits down and Mr. Harris puts a hand on his back "Jackson if you need to leave early for any reason. let me know" Jackson nods. I tap Stiles on the shoulder and whisper "Am i hallucinating or was Mr. Harris just nice to a teenager. " Stiles looks back at me "I thought i was imagining it but that was mildly human of him." Mr. Harris puts his hands together. "Everyone start reading chapter 9" he stands looking at the board and says "Mr. Stilinski try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry not a coloring book" I sigh "and he's back" Stiles puts the cap on his highlighter and turns to Danny. "Hey Danny. Can I ask you a question?" Danny sighs and turns to him "No" Stiles opens his mouth "Well I'm going to anyway. Um, Did Lydia show up to your home room today?" Danny sighs and turns back to his work "No." Stiles leans farther forward but I ask first"Can I ask you question?" Danny looks up "Answer still no." I keep talking "does anyone know what happened to her and Jackson last night?" Danny looks down at his desk "He.. Wouldn't tell me." Stiles looks over at Jackson "But he's your best friend." I hit Stiles's shoulder. "One more question." Danny gets annoyed "What" Stiles leans forward. " Do you find me attractive?" He leans forward so far he falls out of his chair and I Stifle a laugh. Danny looks back at Stiles but doesn't answer. The rest of Chemistry was boring.

Again, sorry for the short chapter I will write as soon as I can

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