teen wolf movie review/ spoilers

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Hi guys I just watched the movie and I'm going to write what i think of it. I'm not going to be describing the whole movie but THERE WILL BE SPOILERS so if you don't want to read them skip this chapter. if you do scroll down i added this large space so if you don't want to read you wont be able to see it. with out scrolling. 


First off the as you know in the show they don't swear often, they swear but its not all the time, So all the swearing seems out of place. (also i know that i write extra swears in my story its just because i feel like its what I would say and y/n is mildly based off me) also the fact is Dylan O'Brien is not in the movie, he does not pull an Andrew Garfield, but that does not mean they just forget him. For all the fans of Stydia fans I'm sorry, they are not together in the movie. According to Lydia they were but she broke up with him because she had a banshee moment and thought that if she stayed with him she would cause his death so she left him. 

Good news for Scallison fans, Shes back. At first she is trying to kill everyone but then Scott helps her remember. Then she shoots him. In the heart. 3 times. but don't worry hes fine.  and they end up together. Scott is still the alpha I don't know why that was even a debate but some people were wondering. Also as you know in high school Scott was not the best student but he wanted ti be a vet, he never became a vet but he now owns a shelter next to Deaton's  vet office. He no longer lives in Beacon hills and it seems he hasn't for a long time.

Derek has a son named Eli. Eli can't change in to a wolf but he can in the end. Derek became a true alpha, but he dies right after. He sacrificed himself to save everyone and in the process earned the right of a true alpha. I cried so hard. Eli ends up being an orphan, tho we don't know who his mom is, also I'm pretty sure Scott is going to adopt him.   

Malia it seems has found a new guy, Parish. Weird right it sort of works though. I feeling it. They make a cute couple. Also Malia's father Peter Hale. How many people loved him towards the end. I did. Well he went right back to being an asshole in the movie. It's almost like with out stiles there the whole show falls apart. (I'm kidding the movie was low key not as bad as people are saying) but all the characters do become more Assholey. It's like all the characters became side character in the movie like I'm not sure who the main character is, Like i know its Scott but it just seems weird. The only character I felt like got better was Jackson but we already saw that in season 6.

Also they set up the ending so there could be another movie but  considering the ratings i doubt it will. 

ALSO do ya'll remember Greenberg, He sort of  makes an appearance in the movie. So at one point Scott even though he's thirty ends up playing in the high school lacrosse game. The other teams coach is like "who tf is that he like 30" And coach is all like "Shut up. That's my best player. That's Greenberg." I legit cheered. Then I was like  'does that mean he was always Greenberg or did he just need a name.' 

Overall the movie was good but again with out stiles is was less amusing.  I liked the story line but as always there were some pot holes in the movie. I also felt like there were some parts that really didn't make sense. I rate this movie 7.8/10. I feel like i may be mildly bias because I love teen wolf so much i don't think i could give it a bad rating. I do recommend to watch it.  


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