he's a self-centered ass

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Idk how I feel about the interaction between Y/n and Jackson, but I really hate him in season 1, so I'm gonna go with it. I may go back in and change it later.

"This is gonna be impossible, you know," Scott remarks as we walk into the school. I nod in agreement, but Stiles shakes his head, offering a solution, "Why don't you just ask her if you can borrow it?" Scott lets out a sigh, clearly unsure, "How?"

Stiles stops him, being his usual straightforward self, "It's easy! You just say, 'Hey, Allison, can I borrow your necklace to see if there's anything on it or in it that can lead me to an Alpha Werewolf that I need to kill in order to get back together with you?'" Scott groans at the absurdity, "You're not helping."

"Why don't you just talk to her?" I ask. Scott's frustration continues, "She won't talk to me! What if she, like, only takes it off in the shower or something?"

Stiles nods, "That's why you ease back into it, okay? Get back on the good side. Remind her of the good times. And then you ask for the necklace." We both look at Scott, and he's grinning like an idiot. "... You're thinking about her in the shower, aren't you?" I ask.

Scott nods, still smiling, "... Yeah." I groan, and Stiles tries to get us back on track, putting a hand on Scott's shoulder." "All right. Stay focused, okay? Get the necklace. Get the Alpha. Get cured. Get Allison. In that order. Got it?" Scott nods, determined, and walks away. Glancing at Stiles, I sigh, "I give him a 5% chance of success." Stiles agrees with a nod, "Sounds about right."

As I head to my classes, the morning passes without much interaction with Scott or Stiles. However, during our shared class, I waited for Stiles outside his classroom. As he exits, I greet him with a smile, intending to ask about Scott, "Any news from Sco-" Before I can finish my sentence, Scott appears beside us with a grave expression, interrupting, "Jackson knows."

I'm taken aback by the news. "Excuse me?" I ask in disbelief. Scott confirms, "Jackson knows what I am." My shock deepens as I process the implications, and all I can utter is, "Shit."

Stiles stares at Scott. "How the hell did he find out?" Scott shakes his head, "I have no idea." Stiles nods, pressing further, "Did he say it out loud? The word?"

"What word?" Scott asks, looking puzzled.

"Werewolf. Did he say, 'I know you're a Werewolf?'" Stiles clarifies. Scott shakes his head and shushes him, "No, but he implied it pretty freaking clearly!" I nod, and trying to offer a glimmer of hope, I say,"Okay, maybe it's not as bad as it seems?"

Stiles chimes in, "I mean, he doesn't have any proof, right? And, if he wanted to tell someone, who's gonna believe him, anyway?" Scott considers our words but then brings up the one thing we didn't think of, "How about Allison's father?"

Stiles and I exchange worried glances and reluctantly nod, realizing the severity of the situation. ...Okay, it's bad."

"I need a cure-right now." Scott says.

"Does he know about Allison's father?" I ask. Scott shakes his head, uncertainty lingering in his expression, "I don't know." Stiles has a look on his face."Okay, where's Derek?" He asks his mind already devising a plan,

I turn towards him, "Hiding, like we told him to. Why?" Stiles nods."I have an idea... It's gonna take a little time and finesse, though..."

"We have that game tonight. It's quarterfinals, and it's your first game." Scott says. Stiles nods a very small smile on his lips, "I know, I know... Look, do you have a plan for Allison yet?"

Scott nods, "She's in my next class." I give him a determined nod, urging him on, "Get the necklace." Scott agrees, "right. Get the necklace." He walks away, ready to take action.

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