How did you know??

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Scott stares at me. "So what are you going to do?" I stare up at the ceiling. "I have to find Derek." Scott's shakes his head. "We can't just go searching. He will turn up, I promise." I glance at him. "Don't make promises you can't keep." I glance at the clock. "You know this has been fun but I think you should get home before you mom kills you." He stands up and nods looking around the empty house. "You sure you want to stay here alone." I nod. "I'll be fine I have my Oreos and the TV." He smiles and walks out the door.  "Bye Scott." 

I sit down and turn on the TV for background noise. I pick up one of the many books on werewolves Stiles and I checked out. I feel my eyes start to drift close and eventually I fall asleep. 

I wake up to a loud noise. "What the fuck?" I say walking to the room the noise came from. I see Stiles leaning halfway through my back window in my kitchen. "Stiles what the fuck man?" He looks up at me. "You weren't answering my calls and I forgot my key to your house." I roll my eyes and help him in the window. "Probably because I was asleep." He stands up and nods. "Makes sense." I smile "are you here to pick me up for school?" He nods and I smile. "Let me get dressed. I'll be right down." He walks into my living room and sits down. I run up my stairs and yell down. "DON'T EAT ALL MY OREOS." I walk into my room and hear Stiles yell back. "HOW DID YOU KNOW?" I smile and grab some clothes for the day. (above) 

I walk back out to Stiles and he is staring at the Oreos. "How did you know?" I laugh and grab his arm dragging him out to his car. We get buckled in and Stiles starts to drive off. "He last night I googled William Hale." Stiles whips his head at me. " What did you find out!?" I look out the window. "He- he's dead." Stiles looks at me before quickly looking back at the road. "I'm sorry that suc-" I cut him off. "That's not all. He's also... Derek's dad." Stiles yanks the car's wheel to the side pulling over everything goes flying. I hit my head off the window and Stiles turns to me. "WHAT?" I turn to him. "Stiles my head" He looks up and quickly says. "Sorry but-" I cut him off again. "No no. Your fine, I know it was surprising." He nods. "I don't know anything but I do know that on the day of the fire Derek and his sister were at school and because of that he didn't die. I also know that his mom is not my mother." Stiles nods. After we talk over all the details he drives back into school. Stiles parks and we start to walk in together. I look over and see a women starring at me "What the hell?" Stiles turns to me. "What?" I frown. "I'll be back by Bio." I turn and run. "You'll miss PE" I smile. "Added bonus." I keep running and hear Stiles protest behind me but I'm already gone. 

I follow the car to a gas station and then back to... Alison's house? I see the woman walk inside and then about 40 minuet's later she comes walking out holding a black plastic carrier and she get into her car. I follow it out into the woods and she stops. She gets out of the car and pulls out a gun. "Fuck fuck fuck." I whisper. "I see you Y/N" I look down. "Shit" I walk out with my hands up. "How do you know my name?" She smiles. "I have my ways." She looks me up and down. "You look just like your mother." I stare at her my hands still raised "You knew my mother?" She nods. "I new her very well." I look her up and down. "Your Alison's aunt, right?" She nods. "Why have you been following me?" She says gun still pointed at my head. "I got a weird feeling and apparently I was right." I say pointing at her gun. She looks down and lowers her gun. "Sorry it was just a precaution." I nod lowering my hands. She walks closer to me and I step back. She looks at me surprised. " I won't hurt you. I swear."  I nod and walk over to her. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" I nod hesitantly. She opens her car door and motions to it. "Want a ride?" I glance at her car and hesitantly nod. 

For the first half of the ride we are silent and then she says "So all that stuff with Derek Hale must have been crazy." I feel my body stiffen and stare ahead. "Yeah it was." She glances at me. "I know the Hales and your Mom we close before she moved away." I stare at her. "You seem to know a lot about my mother."  she nods. "We were once very good friends." I nod. "she left not long after the falling out with the Hale's... Around the time she got pregnant with you." I nod. "Interesting." She smiles as she pulls into the school. "It was nice meeting you Y/n." I nod. "Same to you." I grab my bag and get out of the car. 

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