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A/N- I would like to say that this is not stiles asking y/n on a date i don't want to get your hopes up not just yet but soon I promise.... Soon is a relative term. Also if you watch the 100 IT'S NOT MURPHY. I just need a dude for the story and Murphy is the one I chose. Also this most of this chapter is kinda off from the show so let me know what you think. (Nathan is above) Apologizing in advance after what is about to transpire please watch this video above.

I walk in to lunch and groan. Stiles and Scott aren't here.  I go and sit in the corner of the Cafe and hope to god that people don't talk to me but just to my luck this boy from my English class sits down. "Hey" he says I glance up. "Hey Flynn"  he looks at me funny "Its Nathan but its fine." I sigh "Sorry. I don't want to sound rude but um is there something you wanted. It's just that we've never spoken." He nods but doesn't say anything. We sit in science for way to long. Every now and then I catch him looking over at me but then I finally says something "dude what do you want because i know your not here to sit in silence and stare at my tits." Nathan looks at me and quickly says "I wasn't- I was just-" I smile at him "hey dude just answer the question." he looks at me and smiles " I wanted to know if you would go on a date with me." I look at him shocked. "I-I-" I look at him and study his features, he has brown eyes, tall, nice hair, a sweet smile, and he seems nice. I realize I'm starring and answer him. "Sure" he looks at me "good. I was hoping you would say yes. I'll pick you up tonight at 6 sweetheart" I look at him surprised. "do you know where I live?" he stands up and smiles "we have parent teacher conferences tonight so I'll just pick you up there." and with that he walks away. I sit there stunned. 

TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY... Coach wanting to be called cupcake. 

I get home and check the house to see if the Richards are home but per usual they are out. I run up to my room and flop on my bed. I grab my phone and text the only girl I'm friends with Allison. 

Alligator 🐊

Allison I need help!! 

I just got asked out

and i said yes!!

I've never been on a date

your the only girly person i know and trust


and you won't see this

your out with Scott

I groan "Damn it" I say under my breath. Just then I get a call from Stiles. "hey St-" He cuts me off "OH THANK GOD. I'm so glad you picked up" I smile "okay whats up" he sighs " I have- sorry we have-" I hear Mr. Stilinski talking. "one sec Y/N" Stiles says and he hangs up. I groan and go to my closet looking for something to wear for tonight. I end up with a nice black top, black jeans and my black vans. (below ignore the shoes)  I do my hair multiple ways before settling on just leaving it down. I do my make up keeping it simple and look in the mirror smiling. I look at my phone and see Stiles calling me again. 

"hey" I say "hey I will tell you about the big news soon but my dad is taking me to the parent teacher confreres but i don't think I'm going to stay for the whole thing I left my jeep there so I can leave after Mr. Harris's meeting" I glance at my clock, 5:20. "Smart. Hey can your dad take me too?" Stiles scoffs "Y/N you don't need to go YOUR PASSING." I sigh "Yeah I know but I- I'm meeting someone there." I hear Stiles yell down to his dad "HEY DAD CAN WE PICK UP Y/N?" I hear something but its hard to tell what he says because of the phone "He says we will be by in 5." I smile "Ok see you then" i go to hit the hang up button and as i hit end call I hear Stiles say "Wait who are you mee-" then the call ends. I grab my bag and go sit on my front steps waiting for Stiles and his dad. I glance at my phone and see a text pop up from a random number. 

Just kiss me already- Teen wolf x readerWhere stories live. Discover now