terrible singer

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A/n- hi guys im sorry its been awhile im just going through a rough patch. I would like to say in this that y/n is written as a girl Idk if i said that before. It never really was relevant ig tho i have said she so that probably was a give away but anyway just letting you know.


In chemistry

"maybe its my blood on the bus" Scott whispers to me and Stiles.  " could have been animal blood" Stiles says. "yeah maybe you caught a rabbit or something" Scott looks at me "and did what?"    "ate it" Stiles says "RAW" Scott whisper yells "no you stopped to bake in your little werewolf oven. I don't know your the one who can't remember anything" I suppress a laugh and say "Or ma-" Mr. Harris interrupts me " Y/N if thats your idea of a hushed whisper maybe you should take the headphones out once and a while." I hear Stiles stifle a laugh, obviously not very well because Mr. Harris says " Mr. Stilinski i think you and you friends could benefit from some space, Yes?"  the three of us look at each other. "No" me and Stiles  say at the same time. The *rude* teacher motions for us to move and we gather our things we are sat across the room from each other with Scott in the middle "let me know it the separation anxiety is to much to handle" Stiles fake laughs as he sits down in his new seat. "asshole" i say under my breath "did you say something Y/N" i put on a fake smile " Nope" i glance out at the clock but before i can even comprehend what time it is some girl says " It looks like they found something" we all rush over to the window. there is an ambulance sitting just off to the side of the bus, they wheel a stretcher over and I realize there is a body on the stretcher. "thats not a rabbit" Scott says looking at me and Stiles. We look at the dead body and it suddenly shoots up and screams. "AHHH" the whole class screams and Stiles grabs my arm. "OK" Stiles says worriedly. Scott backs up and me and Stiles follow him "this is good. this is good. He got up hes not dead. Dead guys can't do that." Stiles says "yeah Scott this is great you aren't a murder." Scott breathes in worriedly. "guys I did that" I put my hand on Scotts shoulder "its going to be o-" Mr. Harris cuts me off. "Lets get back to learning" We sit down and we don't get to talk till lunch. I watch the minutes tick by. 

"alright class dismissed." I jump up and walk with Scott and stiles  "dreams are not memories" Stiles says trying to cheer up Scott. "something happened last night and I can't remember what." we sit down at the table, Scott sits across from Stiles and I sit with a space in between me and Stiles. Just like always it almost a routine movement now. "what makes you so sure that Derek has all the answers." Stiles says " Because  during the full moon he wasn't changed he was in total control. While i was running around attacking some totally innocent guy." Stiles sighs "you don't know that." I chime in "we also just tried to put him away for murder. he probably doesn't want to talk Scott."  he nods "i need to cancel on Allison"  Stiles shakes his head "your not canceling. You can't just cancel you entire life we will figure it out" i nod. I'm about to say something when Lydia Martin puts her tray down at our table. For slightly too long we all just sit there and stare at her. " Figure what out." Lydia asks sitting down next to Stiles. "nothing" i say hoping she will leave but alas she sits down Stiles laughs breathlessly "uh" Scott says "homework" Lydia looks between us and we lean in to each other "why is she sitting with us." Stiles asks, Scott shrugs and a boy sits down next to me . Soon the whole table is full.  Danny sits down in the seat between me and Stiles. Now I'm next to Danny and some random boy. Alison and Scott are next to each other and Lydia is next to Scott and the boy. Stiles is sandwiched between Danny and some (pretty) girl.  What the hell is happening.  Just when things could not get worse Jackson walks over. "Move." At first I think he's talking to me and go to say something but then I relize he's talking to the boy next me. "oh come on why don't you ask Danny or Y/N to move" I stay quiet and Danny says " Because we don't stare at his girlfriends coin slot." (A/N thats what you think. Teehee I love Lydia 🥵 after she stops being an airhead bitch) Jackson sits down and now I'm stuck between Jackson and Danny. Great. "So they are saying its some sort of animal attack. Probably a cougar" Danny says. "I heard mountain lion" Same thing.  I say in my head I'm about to say that when Lydia beats me to it. "A cougar is a mountain lion." she sounds almost annoyed. She glances at Jackson who looks confused "isn't it" she raises her voice an octave. "Why does she act like such and air head"  I think.  "Who cares" Jackson says "the guys probably some homeless tweaked who's going to die anyway."  I glare at Jackson "Shut up he was a person. He had a life Jackson" I glance at Scott who looks even more guilty after i said that. "I just found out who it was look" Stiles says. He holds out the phone and it says " the sheriff department won't release any details but they can confer the victim, Garrison Myers, did survive the attack and is in critic condition. He was brought to the local hospital." Scott looks at me and Stiles "I-I know this guy when i used to take the bus  when i lived with my dad. He was the driver." Lydia rolls her eyes. "Can we talk about something slightly more fun please? Like... Oh where are we going tomorrow night." We all look at her confused. "you said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night right." Alison puts her fork down "um we were thinking about what we want to do." Lydia sighs. "well if the 4 of us are hanging out we are doing something fun." Jackson looks almost as confused as me and Stiles. "hanging out like the 4 of us. do you.." he looks over at Alison. I put my head in my hands. " want to hang out like us and them?" Alison nods "yeah i guess sounds fun." Jackson picks up a fork "you want to know what else sounds fun Stabbing my self in the face with this fork." I roll my eyes. "how about bowling you love bowling. " Lydia says. Danny leans down and whispers "this just got really weird right"  I nod. "yeah" I whisper.  "yeah with actual competition." Jackson says looking annoyed." Alison leans in to look at Jackson " how do you know we are not actual competition? You can bowl right" She looks at Scott hopeful. "Sort of." he says. Jackson pushes mine and Lydia's trays so he can put his arms on the table. " Is it sort of or yes." I almost choke on my fry when Scott says "yes. in fact im a great bowler." (for flashbacks of Scott bowling  click video above. its an over exaggeration of Y/N's memories)

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