He's going to be fine

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I groan. "Stiles call her" Scott say urgently. Stiles calls but Scott quickly takes the phone. "Where are you?" Scott asks. He waits a second and says. "No Where are you right now?" There is a pause and he says "GO go to the lobby now GO." he hangs up and We start walking to the lobby. 

We all walk in and and Scott quickly goes to Alison. "Why are you here? Why did you come?" She looks at him confused. "Because you asked me to." She starts pulling out her phone "This text" Scott looks at the phone  and Scott looks at it worriedly "Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this message?." Scott looks at her worriedly. "Because I didn't." 

Stiles get closer "Did you drive here?" She shakes her head "No Jackson did." I groan "Jackson's here?" She nods "and Lydia. Who sent this text." her phone starts ringing . "Where are you?" Someone opens the door and I flinch but its just Jackson and Lydia. Lydia sighs "Finally can we go now?" I nod but then there is a loud thump, from in the ceiling.  We hear a loud noise and Scott says "RUN" We all take off up the stairs. The alpha chases us up the stairs and we turn in to a classroom just barley making it. 

Scott locks the door and Starts to move things in the way of the door. Stiles and I walk up to the back walls while the rest of them Start barricading the door. I look at Stiles "The windows" I say quietly. "Damn it." Stiles says "Guys help me get this in front of the door." Scott says  "Scott wait not here" they all keep working "WHAT WAS THAT? Scott, What was that?" Alison asks "GUYS can we just wait a second." They keep working. "GUYS STOP" I yell. They look at us " Okay Nice work. Really beautiful job everyone." He says sarcastically. He points to the windows "Now what do we do about the 20 foot wall of windows." They all look at the windows scared. "Can somebody please explain to me what's going on? Because I'm freaking out here. And I would really like to know why." Alison says in a scared voice. 

Scott looks at me and Stiles. I just shrug.  I have no clue what to tell her. I look back at Stiles and he sighs. "Somebody killed the janitor." Stiles say. Everybody looks scared even Jackson. "What?" Lydia says "Yeah, the janitor's dead." Alison is smiling but its not a happy smile its a scared but don't let it show smile. "What's he talking about? Is this a joke?" I shake my head. "No" Jackson steps forward "What who killed him?" I look at Scott and Stiles. "No No No NO No. This was supposed to be over the mountain lion killed..." Jackson interrupts her "No, don't you get it? There wasn't a mountain lion" Jackson says looking at Scott "Who was it?" Alison yells scared. "What's happening? SCOTT" She yells Scott looks up. "I-I Don't know" he stammered out. " I just.. I f we go out there he's going to kill us." Lydia looks at Scott "Us? He's gonna kill US?" I look at Lydia "Who?"Alison asks again. I looks from Scott to Stiles "It's... It's Derek. It's Derek Hale." Scott says. 

Stiles looks at him confused and so do I. "Wait Derek Hale? Derek killed the janitor?" Alison looks scared. "Are you sure?" She says "I saw him." Scott says. "The mountain lion" Lydia says. "NO, Derek killed them" He says. I look at him in shock. I turn to Stiles. I whisper in his ear. "What are we going to say when they see his body in front of the School?" I pull back and look at Stiles. He looks at me "Shit" He whispers. I look back at Scott and Jackson says "Call the cops" I go to say no but Stiles says it first "No" Jackson glares at him "What do you mean No" Stiles sighs "I mean no you want to hear it is Spanish NO" Stiles shakes his head "Look Derek killed 4 people. We don't know what he's armed with." Jackson shakes his head "Your dad is armed with the entire sheriff's department." 

 Lydia pulls out her phone "I'm calling the cops. Hi we are at beacon hills high school..." the lady on the line talks for a second. "She hung up on me." She says in shock. "The police hung up on you?" Lydia nods "She said they got a tip warning them that there were going to be prank calls about a break-in at the high school. She said if I called again that they were going to trace it and have me arrested." Alison nods "Okay. Well, CALL AGAIN." Stiles steps in "No, they won't trace a cell. And they'll send a car to your house before they send anyone here." Alison looks upset. She turns to me and grabs my arm "AHHH. FUCK" I scream. She pulls her hand back fast. "Oh my- Are you okay?" I look at her "NO. I need to get the fuck out of this school. Okay?" She nods and we all look at Scott. 

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