Oh, thank god

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I wrote a fanfic set in the 1840's for the past few days so my writeing is weird sorry. 

Scott skillfully whips the car around the sharp corner, and I glance back to see Kate's car hot on our tail. "Faster?" Scott asks, seeking approval. Stiles nods vigorously, urging him on. "Much faster Scott skillfully whips the car around the sharp corner, and I glance back to see Kate's car hot on our tail. "Faster?" Scott asks, seeking approval. Stiles nods vigorously, urging him on. "Much faster!" With increased speed, the car's movement becomes more turbulent, causing me to slide around in the back seat. "Holy shit," I exclaim, trying to steady myself.

 Stiles looks at Scott with a sense of urgency. "Scott, I don't think you're getting the idea of a car chase here," he remarks. Anxiously, Scott glances at him and replies, "If I go any faster, we might end up dead!" 

I point towards the pursuing cars behind us. "Well, if you don't speed up, they'll kill us for sure!" I lean over the seat and push down on Scott's leg, urging him to go faster. "Y/N, this is seriously not safe!" Scott protests.

Acknowledging the risk, I nod. "Right now, I'm more concerned about not dying!" We take a turn onto a road, and Kate's speeds down a different road. "She's gone," I say, bringing relief to the situation. Stiles, puzzled, looks at me, and without wasting time, he grabs his police radio. "All units, the suspect is on foot heading into the Iron Works," We hear his father's voice say. 

We turn the car around and head towards the Iron Works. As we arrive, we find Derek crouched down, trying to avoid the arrows being shot by Argent. Pulling up beside Derek, I waste no time, "Get in," I command, as Stiles opens the door for him. Derek swiftly climbs into the front seat, and Stiles settles in the back next to me. 

Scott, clearly frustrated, glances at Derek, "What part of 'laying low' don't you understand?" Derek hits the back of the dashboard. "Damn it, I had him! He was right in front of me, and then the friggin' police showed up." Stiles trlooks at him, "Hey, they're just doing their jobs." 

Derek sarcastically nods, "Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!" Scott looks at Derek, "Can we move past that already? I made a dumbass mistake. I get it." He says. I nod, chiming in, "Yeah, who could have predicted it would turn out like this? me." 

Stiles glances at me and then back at Derek "All right. How did you find him?" Derek glances at us eyebrows raised. Scott sighs, "Can you try to trust us for at least half a second?" Stiles chimes in, "Yeah, all of us!" Derek shoots a glare at Stiles and Stiles sits back. "Or just them, I'll be back here." I positioning myself between him and Scott. Derek raises an eyebrow at me, "Hey, you're not getting rid of me. I'm not scared of you... Anymore." 

Finally, Derek opens up about the little information he has, "The last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris." I frown, puzzled, "Our chemistry teacher? Why him?" Derek replies, "I don't know yet." Scott presses Derek further, "What's the second thing?" Derek pulls out a piece of paper, and upon seeing it, Scott's face drops. "What? You know what this is?" Derek says. Scott glances at the paper and then back on the road, letting out a sigh. "I've seen it on a necklace. Allison's necklace." I groan. 

As we make the turn onto my street, Scott glances back at me. "Hey, Y/n, your house is right here. Do you want us to drop you off?" I nod in agreement, and Scott pulls up to the front of my house. Stepping out of the car, I wave to them. "Bye, Scott. Bye, Stiles..." I hesitate for a moment, "Bye Derek," I finally add.

As Scott drives away, I make my way inside. The stillness of my home surrounds me, and I head straight to my bedroom. Lying down on the bed, I find myself gazing up at the ceiling. Sleepiness creeps into my eyes, but my thoughts race relentlessly, a whirlwind of emotions and events. I reach for my phone and decide to call Stiles.

After barely a single ring, Stiles picks up, his voice filled with concern, "What's up, Y/N? Are you okay?" I smile, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just can't fall asleep." He lets out a sigh of relief, "Oh, thank god." I chuckle softly, "Sorry I worried you."

As a yawn escapes me, Stiles responds, "No worries. I get it." Another smile graces my lips, "You know Scott's going to mess things up tomorrow, right?" Stiles lets out a knowing laugh, "Yeah, he probably will." There's a momentary pause on his end, "You still there?" I ask.

"Yeah, sorry, I was reading before this, and was reading the next paragraph" Stiles explains. I nod, and then realize he can't see me, "What was it about?" I glance at the clock, noticing that it's 1:58 am. "It's about werewolves. I'm trying to learn everything I can," he replies. "Do you want me to read it to you? It might help you fall asleep; it's a bit boring." We both share a soft laugh at the idea.

Stiles starts to read softly, and I feel the tension ease from my body. Soon, my eyelids grow heavy as thoughts begin to drift away. On the other end, Stiles continues to speak, occasionally saying my name to check if I've dozed off. Eventually, I drift off, and when I awaken, I can still hear Stiles's gentle breathing on the other end. 

I cast a weary gaze at the clock, which reads 7:47. Letting out a groan, I reach for my phone "Stiles?" After a moment, I hear some shuffling on the other end, and Stiles answers, sounding slightly groggy, "Yeah, what's up?"

I stand up and grab a shirt "It's 7:47. I need you to pick me up in 20 minutes." I hear Stiles moving around on his end, probably getting out of bed. "I'll be there soon," he assures me. I nod, "Alright, see you then." I hang up.

I quickly grab some pants and a sweatshirt, getting ready for school. As I step out the door, Stiles pulls up in his blue jeep. Sliding into the front seat, we set off for Scott's house. I notice Stiles nervously tapping on the steering wheel, "You ready for chemistry, now that Harris is... I don't even know what's up with him."

Stiles nods in agreement, "Yeah, I'm slightly terrified." I nod, "Same... About Derek. I think I might meet up with him one on one again."

Stiles reacts with disbelief, causing the car to swerve momentarily. Instinctively, I grab the wheel, urging, "EYES ON THE ROAD!" Stiles quickly focuses on driving, and then asks, "Sorry, but why?"

Gazing out the window as we approach Scott's house, I explain, "I have so many other questions I didn't get to ask because he rushed me last time. So, I've thought about it, and I think I'm ready to talk with him again." Stiles nods, concerned but supportive. "If you need me, I'm just a call away."

Appreciating his concern, I reassure him, "Thanks, Stiles, but I'll be fine. He's family." Both of us cringe at the thought. "I will never get used to that," I admit.

Stiles agrees, "Me either." As we pull into Scott's house, he comes running out to join us. I make a quick request, "Don't tell Scott yet, okay?" Stiles nods, respecting my wish. Scott gets into the car, and we head off to school together. 

Sorry for the short chapter I realized I was so distracted by the Secret of Moonacre ff I wrote that I forgot to write this. I finished this at like 1 am. I hope you like it. I'll write more tomorrow.

Ps If you like the Secret of Moonacre I highly recommend it... No bias..... 

Or if you haven't seen it WATCH THE MOVIE IT'S ONE OF MY FAVORITES. then read the ff...... It's really good..... No Bias.... 



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