Holy shit

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A/N- I'm trying a new set up having shorter paragraphs let me know if you like it. also warning y/n is being mildly petty in this chapter BUT for good reason. Also I'm beyond confused and I found after many google searches Derek's dad has no name and never was showed so nos his name is William because why not okay. also If you found a place where it says his name comment below because I'm super confused. 

I pace around my kitchen contemplating my entire existence.

I start talking to my self "What the fuck does 'it didn't happen' mean? Like what the fuck. WHAT. THE. FUCK." I look down the hallway at the Richards' home office. "If there is any information on me it would be in there." I say quietly. I walk down to the door and pull it open slowly. I look in and there are three file cabinets and 2 desks facing each other. I carefully walk towards the file cabinets and open the first one. I pawn through the files but they are all about work, so I keep digging. After almost an hour of searching I move on to the desks. I open the bottom drawer of David's desk and see a lot of office supplies. I pull out the supplies and look at the empty drawer. "FUCK!" 

I push the drawer shut quickly and hear something shift. I pull the drawer back open and feel around the base. I feel a little pull tab and grab it pulling up. "holy shit." I whisper. Inside the desk is a file. I pull out the file and start reading. The first thing is my birth certificate. I almost just put it back but then I look at my father's name and see it was covered in white out. "what the hell?" i say quietly. I always thought my mom didn't know who he was. I fold the page up and put it in my back pocket. I look in the other pages in the file and see one is just about the paper work to have me as a foster child, but the other is about... "Derek?" I say. I hear a knock at front door. I shove the folder back into the drawer and quickly put the cover back.

I walk up to the door and the person is still knocking. Stiles and Scott are standing there. "Hi-" Stiles interrupts me "We Need To Get To The School Now." he grabs my hand and drags me to his jeep. "Stiles I don't have shoes on." Scott holds up my favorite sneakers. "I got it" I smile and hop in the back seat. "Where are we going?" I ask. "I got to work and Derek was beating up Deaton, he thought he was the alpha." I gasp "Is he okay?" Scott nod "I hope so"  I nod "Now we are going to the school to hopefully draw out the alpha."I nod "Why are we doing something potentially very dangerous?" Scott shakes his head "I have no idea" 

"he was at my house" I say Stiles brakes hard. "DEREK?" I nod "right after you dropped me off he-he showed up in my kitchen to tell me about Nathan. He's dead the alpha killed him." Stiles looks back at me "Was it really the alpha or was it Derek?" I shake my head "I-I don't know." I pull out my birth certificate. And pass it up to Scott "look" He grabs it and I point to the part where it says 'father'. He looks at it and holds it up and he gasps but says nothing "WHAT? DID YOU SEE SOMETHING?" Scott shakes his head "no. no i didn't" I grab the paper from him "What the hell, Scott? Why are you lying? this is really important to me what the fuck" Scott shakes his head. "If i find out your lying I will murder you"

We pull in to the school and hop out of the jeep. "This is a terrible idea" Stiles says "Yeah" Scott nods "We are still going to do it?" Stiles asks "Do you have any other ideas?" I glare at Scott "Go throw your self off a cliff" I say. Scott glares at me "I didn't see anything" Stiles looks between us "Well, personally I'm a fan of ignoring a problem Until eventually it goes away." Scott shakes his head "Just make sure we can get inside" 

A car pulls up in to the parking spot next to the jeep. Derek gets out of the car. Stiles reaches in the the back of the jeep and pulls out bolt cutters. "he's here" Scott says. I glance at him "No shit Sherlock." We walk over to Derek "Where is my boss?" Scott asks. "He's in the back." We look in the back seat. I see Deaton tied up in the back seat passed out lying in an uncomfortable position. "Oh, he looks comfortable." Scott and Stiles walk towards the school but I stay where I am looking at Deaton. "wait where are you going?" Derek yells to Scott and Stiles "You said I was linked with the Alpha, I'm going to see you your right." I roll my eyes as the walk towards the school "He's so dramatic." I say. "Y/N come on" Stiles yells back to me "Nah. I'll stay here I don't want to be near that traitor for any longer than I have to." Scott turns around "I didn't see anything. I'm sorry." and they walk in to the school using the bolt cutters to open the chains holding the doors closed. 

I open the back of the jeep and sit on the tail gate, looking over the certificate. "What did he see?" I say I go to hold it up like he did but then I hear Scott over the inter-com and it sound like a dying cat. "You've got to be kidding me." Derek says "I laugh. "Oh he sounds like a dying cat." I look at Derek and he has a small smile on his face. I lay down in the back of the jeep. and hold the page up above my head "HOLY SHIT" I say I look up and I see it says William Ha but the rest is still covered. I pick at the white out "That lying bitch" I say Derek glances at me "What is that?" I look at him "It's my birth certificate and I'm trying to find my dad's name but the end it covered it just says 'William Ha' and I'm assuming it says Hart but still I need to know" Derek hums in response I pick at the name and then I hear Scott's howl come over the loud speaker and this time it sounds right and it almost seems like the whole Earth shakes with it. "Holy shit. THAT WAS SO COOL" I Say. Derek shakes his head "Why did Scott bring you?" He says angry I glare at him "Because he needs me and Stiles, we are his friends." He looks at me "Scott is just leading you to danger eventually he'll lead you to your death." he says pointing to the school. "Scott is going to bring the whole goddamn State to us now." 

Scott and Stiles start walking out of the school. "I'm going to kill both of you" he says pointing to Scott and Stiles. "what the hell was that? what are you trying to attract the whole state to the school?" Scott looks at Stiles "Sorry. I didn't know it would be that loud." Stiles nods his head smiling. I glare at Scott "Yeah, it was loud. and I was awesome." Derek just glares "Shut up" Stiles looks at Derek " Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles says  I look down at the page in my hand and see I crumpled it by accident. "shit" I unfold it on the back of Stiles jeep while Scott and Derek talk. As I unfold it I pick at the white out  and it comes off. "Holy shit" I say as I read the name. 

William Hale

I look at Derek and Scott says "What did you do with him?" Derek looks back At the car and the door is open with no Deaton inside. "I didn't do anything" I look at Derek "Who is William?" Derek looks at me "Will-" He starts talking but then he is lifted off the ground By the alpha. Blood starts to fall from his mouth. For a second it is silent like time has stopped but then I scream and Stiles, Scott and I are running into the school Holding the doors closed. "Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit Hol-" Scott cuts me off "Derek He- hes dead" I shake my head "NO no That was the only clue FUCK" I Scream "We are going to die in this stupid fucking School." Stiles puts his arm around me. "Hey hey hey we ill be okay" Scott says. I look at him "I'm No speaking to you" Scott looks at me "Really Y/N is now really the time" I glare at him "I can be."  

A/N- Tell don't forget to comment and vote

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