I will destroy you

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"I just don't get why he's out there, why he left us." Alison says crying. "I can't stop my hands from shakeing." Jackson grabs her hands. "Hey it's okay. Stiles rolls his eyes. I look at her angry. "Oh my fucking god." They all look at me. "He is trying to save us. Do you not fucking get that. Personaly I would prefer if MY best friend wasn't risking his life but I know that if it comes down to it he has a better chance than any of us. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and pray to god that he is okay." Alison looks at me surprised. 

"I'm just worried." I glare at her. "We all are, Scott is my best friend and if anything happens to him I will murder the alp- Derek" I catch myself and take a deep breath. I look at Alison and her tear stained face and soften "Listen just calm down it's going to be okay, Scott's strong and he can do this." I walk over to Stiles.

Lydia looks at the acid on the counter. "Jackson you gave me the sulfuric acid, right? It won't ignite if its not sulfuric." Jackson looks down "I gave you what you asked for." Lydia nods "Yeah." I glance between them and grab Lydia's arm pulling her away from Jackson. "If you would stop catering to his stupid male ego and think for a second did he or did he not give you sulfuric acid." She looks back at Jackson "Yeah. Yeah he did." She doesn't sound sure but it's the best I can get. "Okay" 

I walk back over to the group, Lydia following close behind. I turn to Jackson. "If Scott dies" He rolls his eyes so I grab his collar "I will destroy you." He nods. "I'm not scared of you Y/N." I smile "okay, tough guy" I walk over to Stiles and then we hear a loud growl that makes the whole school shake. I cover my ears and look at Stiles. He is looking around worried. 

Jackson falls to the ground and starts screaming in pain. "What the shit." I say crouching down next to him. "Jackson? You good?" I look at the back of his neck and see the marks on the back of his neck. I look up at Stiles and he sees the same thing. Alison and Lydia help him up and he says "No, I'm fine." I look at him "where did you get those marks." Stiles reaches up for his neck but Jackson swats his hand away. "I said I'M FINE."

I roll my eyes at him. "Yeah you seem real fine." Jackson glares at me. "It's been there for days and you won't tell me what happened." Lydia says. "As if you cared." Jackson says angrily. "Okay can we not argue for half a second." Stiles says trying to ease tension. "Where is Scott he should have been back by now." I look the clock. "Lets give him a few more seconds before we make any assumptions." then there is a click at the door and we all turn to see a shadow move across the window. "SCOTT" We all run to the door but it won't open. "SCOTT" Alison and I bang on the door. "wait stop Scott's not the only one who can hear this." I say stopping "Where's he going? Y/N WHERE IS HE?" Lydia asks. "I-I don't know." I say dragging Alison away from the door. 

"SCOTT. SCOTT!" Alison is yelling. "Stop" Lydia says. Alison keeps yelling "STOP" we all look at her. "do you hear that?" we all listen and hear the sound of sirens. I look at Stiles and he looks both relived and worried. We all run to the window and see multiple cop cars pull in. "Oh thank god." Lydia says. 


"your sure it was Derek Hale" Stilinski asks us as we walk out of the school. I shake my head but say "Yes." Scott looks at me. "What about the janitor?" He says "We are still looking." Noah says. "did you check under the bleachers. under them" Noah nods. "Yeah Scott we checked. We pulled them out just like you asked there's nothing." Scott shakes his head. "I'm not making this up." Noah turns around. "I know I believe you I do." Scott gets mad. "No You Don't" he says. I glance between them. "You have this look like your sad for me like you want to believe me but you don't." Noah sighs. "Look we are going to search this whole school we are going to find him." Noah puts a hand on Scott's shoulder and walks away. "Hey Scott give him a break it's a lot." Scott looks at me glaring but then it softens. "yeah" he says. 

Stiles looks at us "Well we survived guys. We out lasted an alpha. that's still good, being alive. Right?" I nod but Scott looks upset "When we were in the chemistry room it walked right by us. You don't think it heard us you don't think It knew exactly where we were." Stiles and I look confused. "Well then how come we are still alive?" Stiles says. I nod. "IT WANT'S ME IN IT'S PACK." He says loudly then he calms. "But I-I think first I have to get read of my old pack." I look at Stiles. "What do you mean what old pack?" Stiles says. "Alison, Jackson, Lydia-" I look at Scott with wide eyes "Us." Scott nods. 

Stiles looks around in realization. "The alpha doesn't want to kill us." Scott nods. "He want's me to do it. And that's not even the worst part." Scott says. I look at him surprised. "HOW IN HOLY HELL IS THAT NOT THE WORST PART?" Stiles asks upset. "Because when he made me shift... I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you. All of you." I look at Scott and sigh. "I want to kill Stiles all the time your not alone." I say putting on a weak smile. They both look at me. "Sorry bad time." We all sit in science till I reach for Scott and pull him and Stiles into a hug. "We will figure this out." He hugs back but then he tenses and pulls back. He quickly walks towards one of the ambulances. 

I see Deaton sitting in the back."How did you..." Scott trails off. "Get out?"Deaton finishes. Scott nods " Not easily and from what they tell me, I'm alive because of you. I think I owe you a raise." He says chucking. I lean towards Scott. "Say yes. you own me 6 bucks because  it's not him." Stiles turns to me. "Not the time. Y/N. Not the time." I smile. And Scott turns running to Alison.

I stay next to Stiles. "Fuck tonight was crazy." Stiles nods "Fuck." I laugh. And he turns to me "What? What's funny?" I smile.


A/N- 2 things

1. I'm going to copy and paste this story to make it an OC story but don't worry i'm going to keep both and then I can write in one and just copy and paste changing the name in the other. there will be mild diffrences probably idk. not sure when it will be out but yea.

2. this was the last part of episode 7 so on to episode 8 of season 1

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