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I can't help thinking that maybe I shouldn't have brought her here, maybe if she sees him she will change her mind. I have to stop thinking about it, but I'm so afraid of losing her again.

While I wait in the car I receive a call, it's Yeosang. As I read his name on the screen of my phone I am suddenly teleported to when we first met. I remember that day as if it were yesterday, although it happened 15 years ago when we were kids. It's odd to look back on our childhood now that we're all grown up, he's now in med school, and I became a chef. After attending and winning a cooking contest, I later opened my own restaurant, last year actually. I can't believe we've known each other for so long, time goes by so fast.

If my memory doesn't fail me, I can surely say I had cried on the night before our first day of elementary school. I was sad because I would be alone in a different classroom, unlike Jongho who would have Saya to accompany him. I wanted to be with them so badly, as we were always together during preschool, yet I had been assigned to another group. I remember how she helped me back then. We were about to go inside our classrooms when Saya told me about this other kid who was standing alone and she advised me to go with him and introduce myself. I recall how nervous I was, for I had never made friends before because I already had her and Jongho, even though, I did as she told me to and went towards that kid.
-Hi- I said, I think I tried to smile but I'm afraid it had looked more like an awkward grin.
He didn't answer, but he looked me in the eye, his eyes shined and I spotted a peculiar red birthmark right on his left eye. Of course I didn't know it was a birthmark so I thought he was hurt.
-Are you bleeding!?- I pointed to his left eye as I got worried about him, but he just looked confused. He finally answered.
-No- He said in a very calm voice, as if what I had said was something normal to him, maybe he had heard it so many times before. He grabbed my finger and put it down- It's a birthmark not an injury - I took a closer look at it, but he stepped aside and I tripped a bit going forward.
- I'm Wooyoung- I told him as I stood firm again
- I'm Yeosang- And in that very moment I knew I would follow him anywhere. I looked back to Saya and she was smiling so widely for I had made a new friend on my own. We went to each of our classrooms and since elementary school the four of us were inseparable.

-What's up? - I answered the phone
-You have to come right now, I know you're outside in your car.- I wondered what he was doing in the hospital at this time, he doesn't usually come here on this day of the week.
-Ok, I'm coming.
-Hurry, we kinda need you here- It's odd for him to say that he needs me, my first guess was that maybe we had to carry Seonghwa for something, or maybe Saya was not doing well and needed me there. Whatever it was, I felt on Yeosang's voice that something was concerning him.
I step out of the car and freeze the moment I hear him speak again.
-He might have woken up
-H... he...?
-Get here fast.

Standing in front of the hospital not really knowing what to think, endless memories assault my mind, so many things to tell him, so many new places to take him. He has missed so much, I have missed him so much. I run through the halls, eager to see him awake, until I stand outside of his room, facing the door. I remember the reason why I'm here. I had brought her to say goodbye but now... now he's coming back. The moment I think of her with him something inevitably hurts inside of me, the mere thought of losing her again, I don't think I'm strong enough for that.

Making those thoughts go away, I open the door and go inside the room. Yeosang is standing next to the bed and she is sitting on it holding Seonghwa's hand. Yeosang turns around and walks to me.
-Is he awake? How is he? - In the distance, I see how she is looking at him with tears in her eyes, she's holding his hand with no intention of letting it go and time after time she passes her hand caressing his face. I try to avoid feeling anything not suitable for the occasion.

-The doctor came a few minutes ago, he hasn't woken completely but they have noticed more brain activity.- Yeosang is not the type to cry but in his eyes I can see some tears that resist coming down while in his face I see he is relieved yet surprised.- We're getting him back- His voice breaks a little with those words and a sensation I can't explain floods my body, I feel like something inside of me has come back to life. I hug him and my eyes fill up with tears, I raise my head and I see him there laying down, asleep and motionless. I can't even imagine how it will be when he wakes up, we will have to spend entire days without sleep to tell him everything that has happened during all of this time.

At My Worst (Eng - ATEEZ FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now