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Moving was difficult, I mean carrying all those boxes; leaving the city wasn't that hard, I barely spoke to anyone anyway. Will it be different this time? My dad's job makes it impossible to stay in one place for too long, we've moved 5 times in the past year, so why even bother on making friends... Although, it wouldn't be that bad to have someone to talk to, it's pretty lonely after a while.

The road was quiet, I think my mom is also tired of moving. Honestly, I don't know how she keeps up, I guess she loves my dad that much; makes me wonder if I'll ever love someone to the point I could give up on anything and anyone else without hesitation...

It's a new highschool year now, going to school will definitely be awkward, I'm sure everyone knows each other at this point. I guess I'll just sit at the back like I always do.

Mom says our new house is big and with enough backyard to invite some friends over, I don't have any though. Maybe she meant I could try socializing this time. We finally arrive at the new house, after a 4 hour drive, time to carry more boxes ¡yay!

-So? Do you like it, hon'? It's big, huh?- Mom asks me, turning to me from the front seat where she is
-Yeah-I look out the window- It's not bad
- Help me out, son- Dad calls me- We're taking these to the garage first
- Coming- I head out but I spot something when I open the car's door-
-Uhm... Hi? - A random boy showed up, seems like he comes from the house's backyard
-Hi? Did you...? Uhm... - I am very confused
-I'm sorry, there's a shortcut through the house's backyard. I didn't know someone was moving in...- He grins awkwardly, I guess we took him by surprise just like him to us.
-Oh hey there!- My mom comes by
- Hi... Mrs...- He hesitates on how he should call my mom.
-Park, we're the Park's- My mom completes his sentence
-Oh, Uhm, welcome to the hood, I'm San. Oh sir, let me help you with that- He rushes to my dad who had started moving boxes- Come on let's help your dad- He strokes my shoulder with his hand
-Thank you, son.- My dad refers to San- Seonghwa grab these two and take them to the kitchen
-Honey let the kids do it, you shouldn't be carrying heavy things, remember? - "Let the kids do it" She makes it sound so nicely as if we've known this boy for years, he literally came out of our backyard a few seconds ago... It was funny.

-So, you're Seonghwa then? I'm San- Already inside the house, he walks by behind me.
-Yeah, hi- We both place the boxes on the dining table- Thanks for helping
- No problem... So, how old are you?- We start unpacking some decorations
- 17- I open another box with my stuff.
- Really!? We're the same age, we're probably going to the same highschool, that's so exciting!- This boy seems to get hyped up at very small things, his energy is a bit contagious. - I don't live around here but one of my best friends lives across the street, and the gang is pretty much always there after school, it's like our lair, you should come one of these days. It'll be awesome to add one more!
-Oh, thanks I'll think about it
-I was the new guy once and I remember how hard it was to get along with the rest, but don't worry we'll take care of you- An honest smile shows in his face, I have a good feeling I'll probably have friends after all.- No way! You have this album?! Man, we're gonna get along so well!- He held his hand up for a high-five, so I do it too- I have to go now, but I'll see you around. Later, Seonghwa!
-Later, San- What a peculiar name.


We didn't bring any food for obvious reasons, so I came to the closest store to fill up our fridge. I was starving and my parents kept unpacking so I just walked out.
I'll only get the essentials for now, it's weekend tomorrow so we will probably go shopping for groceries.
-Stop it! You'll make me drop the yogurt! - A girl in front of me shouts to a boy who was playing around with her
-Careful! - Walking backwards, she bumped into me, stepping on my feet. I catch the yogurt she was holding as she let go of it.
-Oh, sorry, sorry. Thank you- Her eyes, the blush of her cheeks. A singular sensation in my chest, in my heart, that I didn't even feel her foot on mine. As if a spell had fallen on me, the commotion in the supermarket became soundless, and for a moment all I could hear was my heartbeat. Not even a second passes, not even a thousandth of a second. 

-Here- I give her the yogurt, I think I'm smiling- Watch your step
-Thanks- She smiles back- I will- She walks away- Hey Yunho! You're gonna pay for this!

What was that? I had never experienced such feeling, it was very strange yet pleasant, like the thrill of going down a roller coaster. She turns around even though she is already very far away, we stand staring at each other for a few seconds, as if wanting to verify we had actually met. Did she have the same sensation as me? Maybe I'm just overthinking. Anyways, I'm getting some yogurt too.

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