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-What are you doing here? - Coming down the stairs, he takes the surprise of seeing Saya on a living room's sofa, although she doesn't seem to be in her best condition.
-What? Am I not allowed to come?- She answers, sitting even more comfortably.- I wanted to visit the suspended kid ¿how's the life of a locked up vigilante treating you?
-Terribly, more than a punishment it's just a confirmation of how dumb the school rules are. If someone is being bullied, the bully should be punished not the defender. - He sits next to her.
-Still, that doesn't justify his broken nose
-Now that was an accident. I didn't know I could hit that hard- He watched his hand carefully for a few moments.

-Anyways, Seonghwa says thank you and so do I. - She gently strokes him with her elbow- Being the new kid is hard and he's easily targeted for being alone, but you came. Thank you for defending him. - Even if Wooyoung wanted the affection in her words to be meant purely to him, in her heart it does not seem to be room for such intention; despite their strongly fond friendship, her eyes don't let her see far beyond that.

-You know I can't stand it when my friends are mistreated.
-And that's why I always felt safe with you- She smiles so innocently, clueless of the effect she causes in him, of the whirling feelings happening within him, unknowing of the fact that he could barely contain all the words he wanted to confess to her.
-Why was he alone, anyways?- It resulted odd to him that he had seen him without the company of any of the boys, as it was not common among them to leave each other alone.
-It was for a microscopical moment between classes, we were supposed to meet up but I was at the other side of the building. If it hadn't been for your class that was next door, I don't know what would've happened- She answers, and he nods slightly smiling, for he feels like a hero to her deep inside.

-You should've told me you didn't feel well, I could've picked you up- He changes the subject when seeing Saya rubs her temple. Because of the many years they've known each other, he is well aware when his friend is ill, and this time was not the exception.
-It's just a headache- She lies, for it is that time of the month and her body aches terribly.
-You've got a fever- He knows her, maybe even better than she knows herself.
-You can't know that with just giving me a look- With her legs crossed on the sofa, she hugs a cushion and rests her chin on it.
-You're sweating and I can see your colored cheeks. Plus that's the cushion you always hug when... You know when, and you get a fever on those days.
-It's nature, Wooyoung, you don't have to stutter. - She notices in his voice that this particular topic is a bit embarrassing for him. Wooyoung gets closer to her and places his hand on her forehead to check her temperature. She sees him without him noticing, and perceives something in his eyes that she hadn't seen before, something that has a name, but she ignores.

-Isn't your house closer to the school?- He moves away yet Saya follows him with the eye, contemplating even the slightest move.
-I didn't want to be alone- A cramp interrupts her words causing her to hug the cushion even tighter.
-It hurts too much?- For a moment, he hesitates. In a battle between hugging her or staying still, wins the action not involving his feelings to be uncovered.
-I can take it- Again, she lies
-I don't like seeing you like this, I'll go to the pharmacy. - He stands up, but she stops him by grabbing his hand. He smiles dearly as she's looking at him with a glimpse of like a puppy about to be abandoned- I'll be back soon, try to sleep.

And while he's gone, the girl wanders around the house, taking a look at the framed photographs and remembering with longing all those experiences they had together. The time at a park where they both fell off the bike for trying to learn without a teacher, their first spring dance performance in elementary school, where Saya was a flower, Wooyoung a bee, Jongho an apple and Yeosang a Sun. All of those memories move her, for they remind her of that boy living in her heart who had no chance to live such things.

So kind her heart is, but so naive too, considering that who had always been there is someone else.

-Wooyoung! Wooyoung! Hey, I almost didn't get you- Seonghwa had spotted a familiar figure walking towards the same direction he was going.
-Seonghwa- He names him instinctively when he recognizes him. When feeling a hand on his shoulder, Wooyoung turns around to meet his unexpected friend.
-Why were you running?
-I was coming to your house and I saw you, I just wanted to thank you again- From his backpack he takes out a small semi-transparent plastic box- Here- He offers it to Wooyoung.
-What...? What!? No, man I can't take this- Taken aback when seeing it's a limited edition album, he tries to return it to its original owner.
-It's yours, take it. I know you like their songs and San told me you had been looking for this since forever. You took and gave a punch for me, let me do this for you.

-I don't know what to say... Thank you.- They again, walk down the same direction.- Just for you to know, it's not necessary for you to give something in return each time someone does something for you. Especially if it's one of us, that's how friendship works- The latter, he said sarcastically.
-I know, I may have been a loner but I know how friendships work- He lets out a slight laugh- It's just, I don't think this will be the only time I'll need your help.
-You talking about Saya?
-What? No! ahm... No, I mean...
-You know? The day you both met was pretty weird, we all felt it, it was like if you were surrounded by flowers and starlight
-Really? That's exactly how I felt....- He speaks on the low, but Wooyoung's ears are sharp.

-Here- Wooyoung gives him the plastic bag containing what he had bought for Saya.
-Your groceries?- Seonghwa takes it and opens it, curious yet puzzled.
-It's for Saya, give it to her and tell her my mom asked me to do some errands- He puts away his hands into his pockets so Seonghwa has no excuse to give him back the bag.
-She didn't tell me she was sick- He reflects a glimpse of disappointment in his voice but innocence in his eyes.
-It's something else. She's at my house, go.
-But...- Wooyoung interrupts him
-Go, I'm sure she rather see you than me.- He gently pushes him so he would continue going down the road, while he stays there watching how Seonghwa walks away.

Although he was selfless, his heart complains and within he feels shattered. He walks with his head down in the opposite direction, picturing Saya's smile when her surprise arrives. Despite it not turning out the way he would want to, knowing that she'll be happy is enough for him, even if it hurts.

I marked this as a Bonus chapter since it isn't essential for the story to work but I was told it showcased a different side of Wooyoung's personality in this story so I decided not to delete it c:

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