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-Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone- San walks me into the garage to meet his friends, I feel a little nervous. Will they like me? Will they welcome me? I don't want to be an intruder, what if they didn't agree to receive me here?

-Ok, so this is Jongho, this is his house. Those towers over there are Mingi and Yunho. The one who looks like was hit by sunlight and stardust is Yeosang. This one is Wooyoung, he looks serious but don't be fooled, and finally we have our captain Hongjoong. Everyone! This is Seonghwa. Wait where's Saya? - That was too much information in a very short time...

-What if I take it from here... Yeah ok, come on- One of them slowly takes San's arm off of me and takes me with him, I think it's Jongho.- I'm sorry for that, my friend here got a little too excited.
-It's ok, I think I got it- I tell him- Uhm, you're Jongho right? My neighbor
-Yup, that's me
-Hey! I'm Yunho, welcome to the club- The guy with a polite smile raises his hand to get my attention.
-Thanks- He looks at me as if he was trying to solve a mystery
-Don't look at him like that- The other tall guy next to him tells him in between laughs- I'm Mingi, nice to meet you
-Hi, thanks, you too- After a short while Yunho speaks again
-Have I seen you before? You seem familiar- He says to me with narrowed eyes. Before I could answer anything, I feel a hand land on my left shoulder
- 'Sup, I'm Wooyung- His head resting on my right shoulder, looking up towards Yunho and Mingi who are in front of me- You are so tall, wow. Hey, Hongjoong! Look at this- A squeak along with a mute laugh comes from him when he sees Hongjoong's annoyed face, I can't help but laugh.
-Stop making fun of it, you're the same as me- The short guy standing at the door that leads to the inside of the house complains about Wooyoung's words.
-I'm almost an inch taller- Wooyoung responds, and at the time, Hongjoong mimics him with silly faces. Another unique laugh sounds by the drums- That's Yeosang- He waves at me- He's a bit shy, we all take care of him, you'll love him.
- I'm not pet- He laughs somewhat offended but not surprised
-You're my baby- San, appearing out of nowhere, hugs him tight, Yeosang draws back his head a little but he hugs San too. I now get what he meant by "guy hit by sunlight and stardust."

-I swear I have seen you before- Yunho speaks out of nowhere, I'm confused now.

-Anyways, welcome.- Hongjoong comes to me- It's nice to meet you, I hope we can all get along well. Everyone here is kinda crazy and random but we're nice guys, we'll take care of you at school, don't be afraid of being the new guy. We were all the new kid once and that brought us together as family, so don't worry, you are our new member now-

So this is how it feels like? I've never experienced this before, I don't know what to say. I feel truly touched and comforted. I had been waiting so long for something like this to happen, to have some place I belong to, to have a group of people I share my likes and thoughts with. I used to think I was fine by myself, but now... Now I don't want to go back to loneliness.

-Thank you- I smile, sincerely and deeply from my heart. They all smile towards me, as if they were proud of me, as if they had been waiting for me too.

-Is seriously no one going to help me!? 7 men in this house and I'm the only one carrying all these bags!
-There's Saya- San smiles in relief, like when you see or hear something after a long time. I wouldn't expect that reaction to a girl shouting how mad she is- Coming!- San and Yeosang go to help her.

-So, you guys have a band? That's every kid's dream- I speak while reading a score from the hundreds they had dispersed over a table with empty soda cans and wrinkled potato chip bags.
-We're just doing it for fun, but we're kinda good actually- Jongho tells me while fixing some knot up cables on the floor- Do you sing?
-Me? No- I slightly laugh, I don't really sing in front of anyone, it feels awkward.
-Our boy here can turn you into a pro- Mingi pats Jongho's back
-Grab this- Ignoring Mingi's words, Jongho gives him the strand of one of the cables- Don't let go or it'll get lost.
-He's the real voice master- Mingi continues with the praises, I see how Jongho smiles- I used to be so out of tune but he helped me.
-Sing for us Jongho- Wooyoung, who was on the sofa tuning a bass, makes a request.

- I gotta prepare beforehand. I can't just sing all of the su- He interrupts himself letting some very pleasant notes out of his chest. I know the song, it's Say you won't let go by James Arthur. Man, this boy can really sing... We are all looking at him immersed in his voice, so sweet and so powerful. I believe they have all heard him sing before but they enjoy this as if it was the first time. Wooyoung and Mingi link their arms and start swinging gently side to side with their hands in the air as a standing ovation for a famous singer.

-Sodas are here! - San announces when he walks back to the garage while holding a package of various soda flavors- What do you drink, Seonghwa?- He walks by my side and puts the package on top of the same table with empty food wrappers
- Uhm, anything is fine- I say while he pokes a whole into the plastic package to open it.
- Don't give it to him like that, it's got no ice! - A female voice sounds from behind us- You gotta treat visitors with kindness- I think I've heard this voice before- Hi, I'm Saya- I turn around. Wait, is she...?- Market boy?
-Yogurt girl...


Yunho found Seonghwa familiar because he also saw him passing through at the market 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️

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