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-You're back so soon? I was just about to reach you there.- Grabbing his keys from the dining table, Wooyoung turns to the door where Saya had just come through.
-It's okay, we can go back if you want to see him. I just... - With her chest pounding, but with an overflowing joy, she walks to him. Balancing her arms and slightly shrinking her shoulders, she tries to hide the inevitable smile that forces its way out whenever she sees him.

-What?- Noticing her odd behavior, he tilts his head trying to read her.
-I felt something was missing, I forgot something.- With nerves attacking every single cell of her body, she had never felt such an urge to stay close to him. She kept thinking on her way back from the hospital of the many times she felt that way with him, the need of being around him. Thinking of how many times she felt it in her chest the need to tell him something, but never knew what it was, it wasn't until that day when she saw him sleeping that she discovered it.

-You sure? I didn't see any of your stu...-

Before he could finish the sentence, she hugged him, softly placing her head on his shoulder, gently wrapping her arms around his body. He hugged her back, dearly stroking her head and brushing her long hair with his hands in the process. It was the warmest, most loving embrace he had ever received from her; even her breath on his neck felt endearing. She smelled like coffee this time, fresh and sweet coffee.

-Is everything ok?- Leaning his head on hers, his soft voice tickles her ears.
-I love you... -

And as if a lock had been opened, those words were the perfect key for their hearts to bond together. As birds who are freed from cages, she had freed herself. She knew that by saying those words out loud, she was holding his body and soul with her hands and promising she would never let go of him. And she was willing to hold his hand and only his for the rest of her life, not at all taking it as a forced commitment but as an irrevocable honor. Telling him she loved him meant for her an unbreakable promise, one she was completely certain she could keep forever.

-Your heartbeat got faster- She giggles as she holds on tighter to him, like an asleep kid would do with their favorite stuffed animal.

-Can you say it again? Please...- 

And for him, having heard her confession after so many years, after the almost infinite wait, it felt like a dream. For a second he doubted being awake, but it was the feel of her hair intertwined with his fingers that brought him back to reality. He felt a profound solace, and, for the first time, he felt he was enough for her.

Raising her head to look him in the eye, she slowly repeats each word.

-I love you-

-One more time- Smiling, she looks at him, knowing he had waited so long for this day to come, knowing it might take him sometime to fall into her words and convince himself they're as true as the fact that the moon rises and the sun sets; but the sound is so sweet, and saying them feels so natural to her, like singing her favorite song.

-I love you. I loved you yesterday and the day before, I'll love you tomorrow and the day after. And so on, until I have no days left to count.

-I promised to myself I wouldn't cry but you're not helping.-

They both laugh, and stay for a minute contemplating each other, with their smiles refusing to fade away. He then kisses her forehead, her arms resting around his neck, her eyes closed, his eyes closed.

-I love you more than anything that I don't even have the words to describe it.- Holding back tears and his nervous laughter, this moment sinks into his heart and memory, making sure he will treasure it until his dying breath. Capturing the reflection of the sun in her eyes, the length of her hair, the color of her clothes, the song of the little bird outside the window, every single little detail no matter how insignificant has now a meaning, the most precious meaning anything could have.

-The fact that you waited for me all these years is enough. Thank you for loving me that much...-

Resting forehead to forehead, once again she leans to kiss his mole under his eye. He closes his eyes as if he could see the most beautiful paradise, with a sweet, mellow smile. And she kisses him like never before, feeling every fiber of his lips, she kisses him with her heart open, wishing every second could last forever, unconsciously imagining every kiss for the rest of their lives.


Keep going forward, there's still more <3

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