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At Jongho's garage, we're setting everything up for a rehearsal. It's been a month since I met these guys... And girl. To be honest, I still feel a little awkward. I'm trying my best to fit in, but maybe I'm trying too hard. I haven't heard any complaints about me, nor have I felt being left out, but...
But, I just wonder if they really consider me one of them. They all have these amazing personalities and particular characteristics that make them a perfect fit with each other; what's my role here, then?

A voice brings me back from my thoughts. It's Yunho asking if I need any help as the guitar string I was tuning was dangerously tight. The moment I entirely realize this, I start twisting the other way around to release the tension.

-You should lose some tension too, like the guitar string. - He pats my shoulder. As if he had read my thoughts, he looks me in the eye and smiles, an honest, warm, and welcoming smile. - We don't bite. Well maybe Wooyoung does, but just feed him properly and you'll be good.
-Don't talk about me like I was an animal!- From the other side of the room, emerging from a far-out corner, Wooyoung's high-pitched voice reaches us.

-You did bite me yesterday for not sharing my ice cream- Mingi calls him out.
-You got my favorite flavor- Wooyoung justifies, untroubled.

-It was ice cream!- Pretending he'll bite him again, Wooyoung rushes to Mingi, who was leaning on the wall reading lyrics, but stops when Saya and Hongjoong enter the room. I've noticed that, whenever she's in the room, he behaves a little differently, maybe trying to look more... Mature?

-Mingi's not food, Wooyoung- Hongjoong speaks while opening a bag of muffins he brought from his trip to the kitchen. 

-Hi- Saya sits next to me
-Hey- I respond

It's very odd, but we're often silent around each other. It doesn't feel awkward, though.

It feels like swimming; like a river stream gently carrying us both in its current. Somehow, we know and understand what goes on in our minds. Like if we didn't need words to communicate, as if a simple look were enough, like... magic.

-They have been out there since we got here- I tell her when she looked outside to the sidewalk where Jongho and Yeosang are.
-What's coming won't be good. If you see them like that, it means they're planning something or sharing secrets no one else will ever hear. You know what they say...
-It's always the quiet ones?- I complete the thought by instinct.
-Yeah- She laughs as she also felt that imperceptible telepathic wave.

-I think it's time, should we tell him?- Jongho spills a seemingly random question to Yeosang, who actually knows what he means for the way he answers. Sometimes it feels like those two share the same brain.

-I think we should tell him, it's basic knowledge about us- Staring at me, Yeosang continues with the mystery. They are still sitting on the sidewalk right outside the garage, in their "reunion spot". I wonder what their evil-genius-magic master plan will be.

-You're right, he should know. Seonghwa!- Jongho calls me. So, I'm the plan? Should I be scared? I think I am. I'm not, if anyone asks.

-Yeah?- Is it something good? Something bad? Something odd? I don't know, you never know. And they know we never know. Wait, what?
-Come here, there's something we need to tell you- Jongho lures me with a hand gesture
-Ok?- I stand up and slowly put the guitar down. Saya looks at me, worried. Why is she worried? That's not helping.
-So, after an exhausting debate, we've decided to share with you some information- Yeosang starts to explain. Also: sidewalk equals debate, got it.
-An urgent notice, knowledge that is vital for you to know- They both stand at my sides and place their arms on my shoulders, as if they wanted me to witness an unforgettable scene happening in front of me. But we're only staring at the inside of the garage.

At My Worst (Eng - ATEEZ FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now