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-Are you sure about this, dear?
-Yes, entirely- I came with my mom to the jewelry store. I have been thinking about this for a while, and I think it's time.

-She makes every place feel like home. Even if we're surrounded by strangers, if she's there I feel safe. I felt it, mom. When we first met, I knew I would stare at every spring sunset with her.
- I believe you have found the love of your life, I am so truly happy for you, darling- With teary eyes, my mom talks to me.

She's right, the love of my life... How odd it sounds, yet it is undeniably true.
I never thought I would feel this way about someone, I was so clueless about what it meant to be in love, to be willing to follow someone until the end of your life, to give up anything or anyone else just to be with them. She means all of that to me.

I had heard it from the movies and always thought it was illogical, but I do really not remember who I was before meeting her. Now that I have found her, I have absolutely no idea how I was able to come all the way without her. I look back at my past, and somehow I find her there too.

-I will marry her, I will formally propose on our second anniversary- I firmly say, with overflowing hope, while searching for the perfect ring among the hundreds placed inside the glass cabinet.

-Formally propose? Have you done it already and didn't tell me?- Astonished, my mom exclaims.
-I may or may have not asked her to marry me a few months ago- Ashamed, I silently walk to the other side of the shop while she's distracted.
-Park Seonghwa! Is this how I raised you?! Marriage isn't a game! You should not blurt out a proposal and keep the girl waiting!- Repeatedly hitting my shoulder and back with her hands, she complains in a way only a mother can.
-I'm sorry, I'm sorry- I cover my head with my arms, she sighs- I will do it right this time, that's why I brought you with me- I smile at her, but she's still in disbelief.
-Alright then, I will help you with the feminine insight-

We spent the evening looking, hours and hours gone in shop after shop, mall after mall. I didn't want the ring to scream "I'm engaged" but "I have found my someone".

At last, I found it: not too big, not too small, not too bright, not opaque, delicate, beautiful by its simplicity. A ring that could pass as ordinary but at the same time as unique and precious like her smile when I tell her that I love her.

At My Worst (Eng - ATEEZ FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now