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High school (2017)

- So...- Jongho sitting next to me starts talking suspiciously, looking me in the eye like wanting to read my thoughts- When are you going to tell her?
-Tell her what?
-You know what I'm talking about
-Did you take your meds?- I mock him by putting my hand on his forehead like taking his temperature. He puts my hand away and looks at me somewhat serious. - What's gotten into you? You're scaring me
- I'm not blind dude- And just like that I become aware of what he was saying.
- I don't know man, it's complicated
-Didn't you always say that whenever you liked a girl you'd be straightforward with her?
- Come on... - I sit resting my elbows on my thighs- This is different, this time it's real. Plus you know how she is, I can't do that.
-Why not? She likes it when people are honest, you know how much she hates to be lied to and be kept out of things. Besides, I got your back- He says with a smile on his face while laying an arm around my shoulders.
- For how long have you known?
-Let me think...- He looks away to focus on the counting, he raises a few fingers and then puts them back into a fist- Since elementary school
-What? - A slight shocked laugh comes through my words-
- Do you remember our first elementary school day? When you turned to her after meeting Yeosang, the way you looked at her shouted you were in love
- I'm... I myself had no idea it had been that long...
- And you still think it's a good idea not to tell her?
- When is San coming? We've waited for years- I abruptly change the subject because, honestly, I don't think I'm ready to face my feelings. As far as I know, I have had feelings for her until a few months ago not since elementary school, or could it be that Jongho is right? Could this be more than just a simple crush? That's crazy, we're like family, it can't be that I'm in love.
-Hey!- San comes running to us from wherever he was
-Finally man, where were you?- I ask when he stopped right in front of us.
-Not important, did you guys hear the news?- He says in between breaths while he recovers from the run
- That you said meet me at 3pm and it's almost 4pm?- Jongho replies
- Yeah I'm sorry 'bout that, but I have a good explanation: I was helping our new neighbors- He exposes his hands in front of him for the dramatic touch.
- What new neighbors?
-That's the news I'm telling you about. The house across the street with Jongho was sold!- He seems a bit too excited
-And what were you doing at my house?
-Helping your new neighbors
-Don't you live, like, on the other side of the city?- I ask sarcastically, his house is the farthest of all, which means 15 minutes by foot. No one lives far from anyone, really.
- I took a shortcut to get here, had to cross through the yard of the house that got sold that's why I had to help the new neighbors- Jongho starts laughing
-It's not funny I swear something in my back cracked- San twists his waist causing some bones to crack in his spine.
-Didn't you say you wanted to be in shape and exercise more?- Jongho asks in between laughs
-Well yeah but I didn't mean I was starting today- We both laugh, there's just something in the way San says things that makes everything sound so funny.
-Anyways, the new family has a son that's our age, maybe we could invite him over sometime. I talked to them a bit and they're also new in town, not just in the hood. Something to do with the dad's job that they had to move from a city to another. Boy seemed a little of an introvert, got to see a few things in his boxes and he likes the same music we like.
-Cool, maybe we'll get along. If I ever get bored of you guys I'll just cross the street
-If you don't scare him away- I tell Jongho and San laughs.
-Haha so funny, I better scare you away- I poke his ribs as he laughs and I turn to San
-So what's his name?
-Seonghwa, Park Seonghwa

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