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Day of the accident Pt 1...

-Mingi! - A staff member calls him
-Yeah?- Sitting down, surrounded by makeup artists, he stares at a screen checking the photos he posed for moments ago.
-You're phone's ringing- With a hand gesture, he indicates the staff to throw the phone to him.
-Hongjoong? What happened? What...?- He gets on his feet abruptly, causing the makeup artists to step away rapidly.- It can't be true... How is he? How's Saya? Was she with him? Which hospital? Please, don't tell me that. No, no, no... - He falls to the ground and bursts into tears, the silence inside the set grows intensely and all eyes are on Mingi.
-Mr. Song? Are you alright?- A makeup artist cautiously approaches him.
-My friend...- Slowly, he stands up- I have to go. Get me a flight, Now!


-San! - Yunho, in a rush, breaks into the college dorm he shares with San.
-Don't scare me like that! You made me lose!- Yunho stands in front of the T.V- What's going on? - He immediately notices in Yunho's eyes that he brings bad news, very bad news.
-Seonghwa... He had an accident and... We're losing him, San- Shocked, San doesn't react for a few seconds especially when seeing Yunho's tear drops.
-And what are you waiting for!? Let's go to the hospital!- Hysterical, he stands up and pushes Yunho for both to walk out the dorm.


-Cellphones are strictly prohibited! This is an exam!- The teacher slams the desk with both of her hands.

-I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I forgot to turn it off- Looking inside his backpack, Yeosang can't find his phone that won't stop ringing, call after call, ringtone after ringtone.

-Mr. Kang, if you don't turn off your phone in this moment your exam will be canceled-

-I am really sorry, just a moment, I'm sorry, sorry- Anxious, Yeosang was about to turn off his phone when he fast reads the 50 messages sent by Wooyoung in the last 5 minutes.

-Where are you? Why are u not answering?
- It's an emergency ANSWER!!!
-Damn it, I forgot your exam
-Call me as soon as you can, Seonghwa had an accident. He's not waking up.

When he finished reading, he takes his backpack and, without hesitation, he runs out the classroom desperately, ignoring the teacher's loud complaints.


-Jongho! You have 10 missed calls!- Jongho, who was in the middle of a soccer training match, hears his teammate who was at the bench so he jogs to where he had left his belongings.

-You said 10?- He asks suspicious while checking his phone.

He notices that half of the calls are from Wooyoung and the other half from Hongjoong, he immediately feels that something is wrong and his concern increases. He returns Hongjoong's call since he was the last one who tried to contact him.

-What's wrong?- He speaks right when the call is answered.
- Why weren't you answering!? Where are you!? There was an accident, Seonghwa is in a very bad state and Saya collapsed.
-Accident?- Dumbfounded, he feels his whole body bristle and numbness takes over him.
-Hey, Jongho! Come on man! Game isn't over yet! - At the court, his team grows impatient.
-Are you ok, buddy?- The same guy who told him about the missed calls approaches him when seeing him as pale as snow.
-I have to go- In a rush, he takes his bag and quickly runs out of the place- Finish without me!

Have you guessed what the guys do in the present? 👀

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