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-Agh! I'm not getting that note right- San shouts out of desperation.

We're in Jongho's garage for a rehearsal, it's been a while since we started putting together our own little rock band project. I wasn't so sure about it at the beginning, since I used to have stage fright. I thought it could come back and I'd ruin it, but it didn't, not as long as Saya was during our rehearsals. Turns out we're actually good. I'm still a bit afraid to sing, but I'm one with my instrument, I'm in charge of the chorus for a few songs, along with Hongjoong, and Saya always sings along with us, that makes me feel safe.

Mingi is our "main vocal", although we all sing once in a while, Yeosang is on the drums, Hongjoong on the keyboard, Yunho plays the guitar as Jongho, I'm on bass, and San has been struggling to find the perfect position for him, he's been playing a bit of everything, testing and learning.
He's now preparing to take the vocal lead on the song we're practicing, guess he can't hit high notes yet.

-Chill, if you get desperate you'll never get it.- Jongho, our high-note expert, gives San some advice. In the meantime, I'm just watching everything and everyone from the old and worn-out couch we set in the room.
-What's going on?- Saya let herself fall into the couch right next to me, with a bowl of chips in her hands
-Nothing much, these two having singing lessons
-Ah, San can't get the note yet? I told you guys to change the song if he's singing, this one doesn't suit his voice- She says while holding a chip and using it as a pointer towards the three of us. Saya could be our manager, if we were a real band, of course.

-I told them the same thing but he keeps saying I should try it- San calls Jongho out to us
-Just listen to him, he knows better. I've heard you sing before, you'll get there- I tell him while stuffing my mouth with chips
-Don't do that, it's gross!
-You're not 5, eat properly!- Me and Saya start bickering, and I just laugh at her annoyed expression.

-Anyways, when are the others coming? They were supposed to bring drinks, I need to refresh my throat- San says while running a finger through his throat for dramatic effect. This phrase is becoming a constant description of him, I swear.
-Focus here, come on- Jongho puts his hand on the crown of San's head and slowly turns his head towards the paper with the lyrics.

Meanwhile, Saya and I are having the most childish moment.

-Hey, look-She calls me, so I turn to a fishy chips lip Saya. Bursting into laughter, I remember the small talk I had with Jongho a few days ago. Should I really tell her? I mean, look at her. She's being such a dummy but I'm so hypnotized by her I don't even care if it's stupid and childish, I like it that way, I like her that way.

-Hey! Hey guys! That's the new family I told you about! - San points outside to a car that's parking in front of the house across the street. A three member family arrives from the market apparently, their trunk is full of bags with groceries. The doorbell rings and Saya goes to open the door.
-Oh, drinks! - She exclaims while getting up from the couch.

- Right! The Parks, I haven't been able to greet them- Jongho recalls- Should we invite him over?
- Hey! - Before anyone could answer, San is already waving and calling out loud-Hey, Seonghwa!- The boy seems a bit confused, hesitant but finally he comes over. San goes to his encounter and holds his hand up for a high five, Seonghwa responds to it and then San puts his arm around Seongwha's shoulders. In that moment the rest of the gang shows up, except Saya, she might still be in the kitchen.

-Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone- San brings him inside

The song San was practicing was Take on me by A-ha 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️

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