1. Aren't we?

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Its a slow romance of an unrequited love. Different theme, hope you all enjoy! And Yes i am back, cause therapy is expensive.lol!


Yunlan's p.o.v:

15 mintutes more and i would be free from this, from the guilt of never once meeting that one man that once swirled me under the tips of his fingers. I could already see myself breaking into pieces once again. Is this worth it? Am i even capable of doing this, meeting the man that rejected me for a few hundred times already? What about him, Is He still same? Non chalant and rigid? Does he even remember me? Remember the 'cringe'  part of his life?

"No Yunlan dont you even think of the old times. Just concentrate. Meet him, Spend the next two days with no recollection of past years. Enjoy, pack your stuff and keep going and no more second meetings, cause i am hundred percent sure he feels forced with this first meet itself, so no more second times". I cooed to myself. Sighing, i leand my head against the window while unintentionally smiling at that thought of him.

Once upon a time, Me means a butterfly. I did had all my worries, breakdowns, vulenarability yet i lived like a free spirit. Then i met Shen wei via a misaddresed telepost, exactly not an attractive way of meeting someone so important as him but He changed my life. He earsed my insecurites, cheered me up, he was there when i hit my darkest bottom. In no time he became everything to me and i was nothing, not even the last priority in his list of priorities.

*Track 14 arriving *

I Picked my bags standing on my feet, shrugging my jacket i sighed biting on my lower lip. I just pray he doesn't find me nervous. He just acting like the humanoid robot he is, taking no notice on my feelings will do me greater good. Thing is even after an year of no communication and zero interest from his side i still might have a thing for him and its kicking back with double impact.

Maybe its the effect of seeing the love of our life for the first time! The nervousness combined with excitement is making me go all gaga. 

No use, lets just assume i am here to see hawaii and he is my guide just like how we used to joke about in our good old times. Just when i controlled my bubbling emotions  a ping text from certain him popped up.

Black robed Envoy ♥ :

I am urgently assigned with a team work, i wont be able to pick you up. Go straight to your motel room. Take care

I sighed getting down the platform, i barely let my eyes travel across the station when my eyes caught the sight of the desk on the very center. Making my way towards it, i slowly let the tears trickle down my face.

I dont deserve this.


19 months ago,

"Zaoi Wei, i tell you listen carefully. No matter we talk in the future or not, either we fight or broke up. Haha. I want you to be there to pick me on time, people always make me wait, i dont want you to do the same. Hawaii is my dream and you are too. I want to have a pleasant visit"

"Dramatic Kiddo"


"hehe. You are all my responsiblity".

"OMG Can you hear it?!!".


"Wedding bells ringing".

"I am gonna cut the call".

"hey no no. Kidding. You know what happened today?".

"I am all Ears"

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