Forced Marriage-4

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Shen wei's p.of.v:

I hissed to the thrombing pain i felt in my head. I snuzzled my face closure into the pillow.
Does pillow breathe!!?...
                   I sat up instantly realising it's not  pillow but my dear Fiesty husband.
We both slept on a single couch, thinking how close we were, made my headache vanish in a spilt second.

         First thing I caught looking into his face is, Yunlan's brusied lips; his lower lip is swallon like a tiny red sausage with teeth marks.

What did I do last night?!.....My stomach is gonna pay for it.
                   I started checking his body, I stood up to Check my body too.
nothing happened..!!

I ran into the bathroom not disturbing him. I smiled touching my lips. I kissed!!.

His words are still ringing in my ears.....making my smile.....


" GET YOUR ASS BACK RIGHT NOW, BEFORE I BREAK THIS DAMN DOOR". shouts of yunlan startled me, my blood went cold.

He really punchs hard though I smile outside, I feel like puking..I will give him pain with pleasure......just wait for love..


I rushed out instantly after hearing his painful scream. only to find him standing with a evil smirk behind the door.

" Gotcha baby...". I raised my hands in surrender and replied softly...

" Yunlan, i'm zero tolerance to alcohol. I remember it's you who forced m-".

" So husband say, it's my fault?".

" Yes!!.NO!NO...I mea-". Before I could defend myself, he pounced on me making us both fall to ground.
      Everything happened in a spilt second; Somehow he ended up laying on top of me, with his face pressed to my chest. Glad he didn't get hurt!!...

what suprised me is that, his hands placed under my head as if protecting me.

He stared into my eyes, raising his hand high to punch me but stopped in mid way and left.

just like that...that's it..?


"- and That's the negotiation plan". I ended my speech with a smile and left the conference hall after bowing to all.
" Call Da qing ". I ordered my secretary and went into my office.

A small smile appeared on my face remembering the progress of our relationship.

its been Two Weeks now,

              Yunlan said he hate me at first but now everything changed, though he never said he likes me.

   He accepted me as Friend atleast. When he came back from his friends get together, he was really anger at me.

when I saw him the next day he was back normal. His mood swings like Chameleon changes it's colour. his childish tactics, sarcasm and sweet laughter make my tiny world bright.
"Come in". I called. when I heared Da qings voice. he immediately walked in with fear and nervousness written all over his face.

" Good Afternoon Mr.Shen, Is there anything I can help you with ".

" Yes, please join us for dinner tonight".

" W-what!?". he asked blinking with his mouth agape.

" I know You're My Yunlan's bestfriend. he will be very happy to see you ... we are leaving office together ". I said smiling at him. he is somehow my friend too.

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