Forced Marriage-2

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Yunlan's p.of.v:

I cursed his grandparents, and I even lost how many times I scolded him in this whole hour journey.

I don't know why but I get cold tempered whenever I think of him. he distroyed my peace and snatched the place I preserved for the one, I loved almost all my life.

This beautiful White Hell like Manison is across the city with a dangerously quite and calm environment.

It's a very beautiful place with big gates and walls five times my length impossible to jump!!, garden and a small fountain with tiny-tiny fishes.

I walked into the house expecting, they would treat me low or bad. but, they all respected me well and bowed to me all the way the big halls.

My father is also one of the richest business magnet but compared to this; he is way down.

I had no intrest in seeing the interior. ... a young servent girl came upto me to show me my room mentioning it as "Our Room".

'Our room my ass' I hissed invardly and told her to show another room.
she refused first, after receiving a deathly glare from me. she hesitedly showed me a room with two doors distanced from his room not ours.

Room was big and specious. I didn't bother to survey on this thing.
I frishened up and layed on bed to relax my muscles and body which are so tired with the lack of sleep and stress from past two days.

When I was about to drift to fairyland, an young women called me to dinner.

" Can you bring my Food here ?". I asked.

" Sorry Master. Big Master said he will meet you at dinner Table. so you have to be there Master ". she told me fidgeting her fingers with a pink blushing face.

" Ok...ummm can you just call me Zhao or sir, I don't fell comfortable with your... master stuff ".

" Sorry Master it's Big Master's order".

I huffed with annoyance and went to an empty dining hall with so many delicious dishes and all are my favourite. maybe a coincidence !!!

I placed my elbows on table, putting my head on it and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes when I heard foot steps behind me. Anger iginated in me. he sat opposite to me and I didn't dare to give a glance to so called husband.

I just kept playing with my fingers but could still feel his eyes on me.
Why should I fear? I am Man.

I lefted my eyes to meet with a pair a dazzling black eyes, which were staring at me as if looking into my soul. Looks familiar.....!!

His lips slightly curved into a warm smile. I just glared at him which brought a cute chuckle from him.

he maybe handsome and all. But still I hate him for doing this and my heart only belongs to my Xiao boy, Yezun .

" How are you Yunlan?". he asked with a warm smile, why is he being so gentle.

" How will you be.....When you sign few bloody shitty papers and They anounce you are married to a sick bastard and the good part can only apply for divorce after 5 years ". I said showing a fake enthusiasm, smiling widely.

"Yunlan, We will plan a proper and perfect ceremony after knowing eachother completely". he said.

" hahaha....... that's never gonna happen". I hissed and out of curiosity I asked.

" What is your name ?"

" Don't you know your husband
name ?!". he chuckled.

" bloody hell, I am not your husband".

" That's true becoz you'er my Wife -".

" SHUT UP !! I meant your not my husband nor I am wife........ tell your name already ". I said impatiently.

" I am Shen wei ".

Shen wei!! Nice name...

Is it crime to think about someone else; when we're already married.
I can't get rid of Yezun's thoughts from my mind. Maybe it's because my empty mind was always used to fill in his thoughts.

His giggles, the way he turn pages and the first kiss we shared and everything about him brings a wave of pleasures in me.

" Is Anything wrong?". Shen wei asked me bringing me out of my fantasy. I just shook my head with a sour heart.


We both started to eat, I never lifted my head to see him again, only concentrated on eating.
At some point I could hear only tickling of my chopsticks. I sighed!!! he is starying at me again.

" Why are you not eating ".

" I want to eat something else ".

" What ". I asked annoyingly.

" YOU ". he said sternly smirking with a very complicated look on his face.


I gulped and finished my dinner as fast as could though I could still feel him burning holes in me.

I dashed to my room even before I could touch the door knob .

A hand grabbed my arm turning me roughly, making our bodies collied, faces only inches apart and strangly our tips of nose touching.

His black eyes staring into mine
his eyes moving from my eyes to lips and then back to my eyes. Our breathes mixing.

I pushed him and stood back nervously,

" What?". I asked.

" Where are you going, Our room is that one ". he said pointing a finger towards the other room with a big door.

" hahaha.... I am fine here".

" but I am not ". without even waiting for my reply. he pulled me towards the other room neglecting all my protests.


Thank you for reading ❤

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