My bully and Me -1

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Soul note: "Thanks to all the lovly readers for adding my works in your 'Reading lists'....I am unable to thank you all individually......
So, please consider this note as my whole bunch of gratitude.....
Thank you very much......
Take care..... 😊💕"


Chapter- 1.

Yunlan's p.of.v:

RING!!... RING!!

I jerked back hitting my head to the wall hovering behind me, though my mobile just buzzed....It felt like, it's ringing up-to ten miles loud.
I blinked looking at the callar ID, not sure of what to answer. I still managed to press the green button.

"Da Cat". I whispered slowly not wanting to get in trouble with him. Though, This wall hid me well, he still can smell me to tare my flesh apart.

I heard a big sigh like groan from Da's side. I leaned against the wall pursuing my lips together.

"Don't tell me, you went there again".
He hissed through the call, I nodded as if he could see my reaction. I tried to justify myself but he shut me off by throwing his yells at me.

"I don't get it, Are you nuts!! What are you trying to put yourself In. Do you really wanna mess with him, the bastard who always bully you.
Why won't you ever listen to me!!!-".

"but, I-". I frowned, I always listen to him. I never cross his words, like never. He is the only person i have got. Da is the only person in this world, who understands me, loves me and make me feel comfortable.

''okey okey.....Damn!!You have always listened to me in all kind of stupid things. But now, this is important. Its only for another couple of weeks, why can't you just maintain some damn distance from him. He is evil, URGHHH!!!......Where the hell are you now". He Shouted loudly startling me at once.

Tears started to pool down my eyes. I was about to answer him, 'I am at the backstage of our campus'. when all of sudden, my phone was harshly snatched from me.

I stood up in high alert panic raising along my gut. only when my tears rolled out clearing my vision did I see, who the person infront of my vision really Is.
I bent my head low, scared to make an direct eye contact with him. I still managed to glance at his face, which was smirking at my reaction. he brought my mobile to his mouth.

''Don't worry catty, You're precious Yunlan is with me". His husky voice rang aloud with tease. His close followed friends Zhu Hong, bro chu and Lin jing smirked at me just like him.

'Whole bunch of jerks'.

But, I don't dare to say it loud.

Most part of my eyes gets hidden under my big nerdy spects and long thick bags, unless you search for them, you never get the chance to see them already peeping at you.

His best friend, old Chu, the hulk of his group walked to me. his big hand gripping my bag pack, he swayed me left and right, then pushed me to the floor.
By his sloppy motions, the messy Me feel to ground. I groaned, when my forehead touched the concrete harder than normal times.

"Pathetic". Lin jing muttered.

They burst into laughter, ofcourse they will. Afterall, I'm a loser and a.....Nerd.

I sat on ground rubbing my forearms and dusting off my clothes.
My vision got the sight of his feet approaching me, I sat still holding my Breathe up.
he kneeled in front of me clutching my chin hard. His grip only got tightened as he looked at my face. My lips trembled with fear. Great!! Now, I made him divert his attention at them.

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