Yearning Heart-1

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Request by @DebanjanaGhosal

A/N: This chapter is written solely based on my own imaginations. more than drama series, I took the actual novel as my inspiration, so the things maybe bit dissimilar to the drama.
             So no offence.....♥


"Prof. Shen, It's Gene compatibility again". A young man pointed out his professors mistake for the third time. his beautiful lined eyes were shooting daggers on his classmates for making fun of their always sweet and Handsome Professor.

       Prof. Shen was his role model. He always wanted to become the best student of all ofcourse to impress his teacher. for him, his teacher was just like a big brother.

The Handsome Professor, whose back was still faced to his students, stood still. It's only when the chatters of his students increased, did he turn towards them.

"My apologies". He whispered and continued his work, the chatters shushed for a second and then whispers roase like waves.

"why is Prof.Shen, so sad".

"Maybe he lost something virg-".

"No no, I think his lover ditched him".

"Gosh!! it can never happen ".

"why so?! ".

"Don't you know, There is rumor of them both dating..... yes!!...our Professor and SID Officer, Zhao Yunlan are in secret relationship".

"Owwww......That would be so awesome, I can fangirl all day".

"Ayaaa.....a new fangirl into the club then".


"Yes, someone made a fanclub already,  just wait I'll add you into it".

...............In minutes, More than fifty members were added into the Club.
          The chatters were loud enough to reach the handsome man's ears, His heart clenched listening to their chatters and also comforting his mind.

*Trring  Tringggggg*

The first Person of all to rush out of the classroom is Shen wei.

   His steps were very hurried, his always perfect posture turned messy. his pink lips turned pale while his black dove eyes resembled marbles painted with Matt paint, they were lifeless.

How can he be perfect and let his eyes shine joyfull?! When the person, who holds his heart from the very first day, Is passing his every minute in darkness.

He wanted to save his Yunlan no matter what, but he didn't expect that his foolish decision of cutting the dark energy strings will cause his Yunlan to loose sight.
        He knows how horrible, It is to stay in darkness by only able to hear the voices of their beloved.

Afterall, he is closely related to this situation.

He wanted to cure Yunlan as soon as possible, for that he is ready to do anything.

" I'm sorry, Yunlan.....please, forgive me".


"FAT FUQ!!!!....I told you many times, don't put your fat ugly Ass between my legs". Yunlan stumbled on his feet. He dragged his feet in the process trying to kick the thing, which brought a mini heart attack earlier.

"Stupid boss, that's the furred pillow you bought for me years ago". Da qing sighed walking to the shirtless man, whose face was scrunched high with helplessness.

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