Yearning Heart -3

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The next morning Yunlan limped into SID, everyone were stunned to see his messed up appearances.
               His white wet T-shirt was hugging his abs, exposing his sculptured body in full display.his leather jacket hanging on his shoulder left shoulder and his bird nest turned into a cotton candy caught in Tornado.

"Stupid boss, what happened to you?!!". Da qing shouted jumping on him in his cat form, Yunlan clutched hard on the pluffy cat's stomach and walked straight into the 'library of wall'.

Everyone looked weirdly at their disappearing chief's back, who was like a mad man walking into the wall.

"fat fuq, bring the book which you gave to Zhu Hong". Yunlan voiced out throwing the fat cat on the large desk placed at the center with racks of books surrounding it.

"what had gotten into you?! Did you hit your head!?".

"do what I say". Yunlan hissed, the other snarled and walked to a nearby rack and pointed towards a thick black old book.

"Don't disturb me!!". He spoke grabbing the lather jacketed book. though the cat wanted to annoy him. After, looking at Yunlan's strict face.... He meowed and walked out.


"Where is Yunlan?!". Shen wei asked politely walking into the hall, everyone bowed with respect, he reciprocated the same.
          Everyone gathered around him,
It was Da qing who spoke out first.

"Prof.Shen, you came in time save that stupid man!!".

"What happened to Yunlan?!!where is he". He asked startled. it's been two days and their is no sigh of Yunlan from the night, he departed giving him a surprise kiss.

"he walked into the library and hasn't been back since 2 days".

"What?!did he ea-".

"We are serving him with food but, he hasn't touched anything .... He didn't even show up hi-".

"What's going on?!". A horse voice rang out loud, everyone turned towards it, including Shen wei.
         They all gasped looking at him,
Da qing and Lin jing burst into laughter.

"You are back". Shen wei asked, his eyes finally filling it's light seeing upon his man. Shen wei was waiting for Yunlan, when he thought Yunlan wasn't in sight, he himself came in search of the other.

"Yes, I'm back". It was just a couple of mere words like usual. This time the voice contained something, which tugged the listener's heart.

"You look like mad man". Da qing giggled falling in another round of laughter.
        Indeed, Yunlan looked like one, it was sane messed up look with addition of pale skin and dark circle under his eyes. Yunlan glared at the little man and pulled Shen wei by arm

"let's go home, I'm hungry".


"Home?! Aren't they neighbors?!". Zhu Hong asked confused.

"Usually they stay in one apartment, mostly chief's house". Da qing replied shifting into his cat form.

"but, there is only one bed".
      She questioned again, this time no one replied. Everyone returned to there seats with different expressions but, deep inside everyone had one common comment.

'Isn't that obvious'.


Shen wei was reading a book, he raised his head when he felt the other's presence.
       Just like last time, Yunlan was standing in full glory but instead of towel, there was a Sweat pant covering his lower body.

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