2. Aren't We?

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Yunlan's p.of.view:

I stirred groaning a bit, stretching my arms wide to the sky. I twisted like a rubber until all the nitrogen bubbles popped off my body. My little ridicule got stuck when i saw Shen wei's moon like face staring at me from the Couch. With up messed hair and dishelved shirt loosey tucked over his thin muscular body, overall he looked better then yesterday.

"I thought you left last night?". I smirked eyeing him up and down. Too much drama for something he has no control on. Of all these years, if there is any onething that i know of him accurately is thay he cant stay away from Me. I would shamelessly come back again after every single time he shoves me off. Exactly why he cant move away, he stays right where he is. Waiting for me. Its just, he can't hold me nor let me go.

"I thought too but then I remembered you can't fall asleep when the room is empty, so I came back". He spoke akwardly expressing his reasons.

"Well, i passed out after a big crying session. You didn't had to troub-".

"I am Sorry".

"Not coming from the Heart". I deadpanned making him sigh.


"Just stop and show me Hawaii or i will stroll the unknown city all by myself until some bad man shows up and kills me on spot. Its been too long since i got rest. I am on a personal vacation also i dont truly have all the time in the world to begin with, so Are you interested to take up this offer or should i opt for the former. No hard feelings inbetween". I spoke unpacking my stuff.

I truly can't waste my free time by mourning over an expected heartbreak now, can i? I would rather blackmail this concerned-geek and spend some quality memorable time rather than going back to my dungeon like room and cry in silence.

"Sure, I am interested". He gritted out. Well you dont have much of a choice honey. I inwardly laughed walking into the shower space.


"What's this?". I stared with wide eyes as the finger length glossy thing kept on wriggling in the big platter of seafood. He smirked enjoying my horror, This man.

"Its an Octopus. Didn't you say you wanted to try it?". He smiled picking one of the tentacle up with his silver chopsticks and burnt it over the low flame while rubbing butter cubes over it occasionally.

"I said like 2 years ago, definitely i didn't mean an alive one that is cooked before my own eyes". I rolled my eyes when he continued to laugh loud.

I couldn't contain the butterflies in my stomach, i loved when he laughs loud. Those were the sounds that made me giggle and fluster many a times, how cute is the sound.

God, Shen wei, Can't you be mine?

"Can I?". He asked looking me through his lashes, i gulped down with embrassment. Did he hear me? Was i loud again?


"Serve this to you". He furrowed shoving the piece of burnt meat into my plate.

"Ohh Sure, Yes".


Shopping, Something we discussed alot before. Maybe because i had no idea what his structure is, i usually nagged him for his size of clothes to picture him in real. I would stare at every man that wore the size of his shirt or the color. I did got haunted back for checking out stranger guys. There always was a cute kind of curiousity to see him, feel him with my hands. Now as we stand right infront of eachother, his liveliness added fuel to my bashful fantasies.

"Hello preety humans, Oww who is this new bae? A sweet lord of Sugar". I laughed when the seeler in pink blazer nudged me softly.

"Well, Can't compare to the cotton candy himself".

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