Forced Marriage-1

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Zhao Yunlan was strolling on the empty pavements of Dragon City, with a very depressed and aura of sadness surrounding him. He shouted in frustration recalling about all the incidents happened in his life so far.

he was just like all other fellow kids leading a happly life until his father forced him to move to Abroad, when he was only 10.
            he Returned back just yesterday. Exactly after 14 years; only with his strict father's permission.

          His mind wandered back to the days when he was giggling, laughing and playing with his weird group of friends on these very known streets.

how he was a burden to all the sellers though they loved him alot.

       Yunlan's life in abroad was like a plain sheet of paper. he was caged in a big villa with number of servents and bodyguards watching his every move. he felt suffocated....

he missed this place, the tiny park in dargon university, his best friends and that special someone, who captured his heart in a very young age.

His memories felt so fresh just like yesterdays rainfall. Helpless tears started to build in his eyes with agony and haterd towards his father. His dispase to the older only increased remembering yesterday's betrayal.


Yunlan and his father sat around the plain round table maintaining an akward silence.
           Straight from the airport, he was brought her giving him too little time to freshup and have breakfast. Though he was very much exhausted from the long journey, he still managed to look active.

"How are you father?". Yunlan asked breaking the silence.

"I am good and hope you're doing fine". Mr.Zhao replied while Yunlan just smiled gently.

"I Need a favour from you". Mr.Zhao stated while placing a set of documented papers in front of him. 

"This...?? ".

"To save our company you need to sign these papers. Only you can do it. you know how much I love our company. right!!?"

Zhao didn't think much, he just sighed those papers holding back his tears. He felt empty and sad, he was crying inside. he was brought back not because his father missed him. but, for the sake of this useless company.

he showed the papers front and  headed back. but, was stuck in tracks when his father declared.

"Congrats Son, Your Married".

"WHAT!!....??". Yunlans eyes almost popped out while his body completely turned dumb.

"Unfortunately, Our 'Zhao solutions' got bankrupt and we are immersed in debts. Sad thing is our company lost its first position too.
     The 'Weilan creations', which is the top machinery Company in Asia proposed for an collaboration, which means our company will reach top again. In return the CEO just asked your hand for the marriage. Isn't that great?!".

       Mr.Zhao explained cheerfully, Yunlan was still in loss of words. his own father sold him for the sake his company.

"I don't understand a single penny your saying. whatever this is, I am not happy with it. I'll try to convince that CEO, Maybe She-".

"He. Your husband is a young handsome man and pack your stuff, his manager will come to pick you up tomorrow". Yunlan started to choke on his own saliva. he gluped down a glass of water straight with goosebums arising, all over his body.

Yunlans blood shot eyes were shooting dagers, he was frustrated by his father's actions.
      He never got parents effection, his mom passed away when he was an infant. he was separated from his friends, when he was young.

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