Your Daughter's Praposal-2

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" Dear Mr.Shen,

                   You are the best teacher in the whole world , I am very blessed to receive you as my well Wisher.
You have always been there for me,.....whenever I felt low.

        I have only one wish....a stupid wish, though I know it's impossible to begin with. I still wish my dream to come true.
As you may have heard, My Father is a single parent. all his life he had only lived for me. He never wanted to marry becoz he thinks If I get a step mom, she would not care and love me as a really mom does.

             I will always stay beside My father and get rid of his looliness. but, I cant get rid of the emptiness his heart feels. he definitely deserve ' Love '.
               and what if some day I go away and make my own life, though I visit him everyday, he still feel like a looner...I don't want that to happen
    he doesn't have many friends because of his rude temper than how can someone approach him and fall in love.

I just want my Father to get a lovely person, who will love and care for him all his life. And I promise My father will reflect the same emotions with double impact.
         that person should make us feel like home and make us complete like a beautiful family. he should be soft, tender and should have the ability to supress my father's anger.

I have been in hunt of a New Mom for an year, Until I Saw you.
     You both could make me feel safe and lovable in all aspects, then why not you both become my Parents.

Please, Mr. Shen be my Pha(dad).
     If you agree we both could convince My father.

                                           - Zhao Suzi  ♡

Yunlan's eyes were still trailing on the piece of paper in his hands. he have no idea whether he should laugh or cry for his daughters train of thoughts.

Now he knows Why all the kids used to Cox and nag him about Shen.

Suzi hugged his arm tight unable to tolerate his father's deathly silence.

    he slowly turned towards her and patted her head softly, with his heart getting soft.

" Little girl, I-I don't know how to start my words with. But, you really surprised me today. You know I never felt alone becoz I always had you.

if one day you leave me alone and go away with your life, do you think i feel empty. Ofcourse not, Knowing your happy with your life. how come i can feel sad and make you worried.

Suzi, You are the best daughter in the whole world. I'm very blessed to receive you.

        and.......If you really want me to get married, why not ask me directly *chuckle*. Why to emmbrass your teacher.......Now Say Sorry to Mr.shen". He lifted her chin high and wiped her tears, his eyes burning bright with all kind of emotions.
' She was his daughter more than that....she was his sister's memory'.

" F-Father, I want you to stay complete, I don't want to be the burden". She said breaking into tears hugging him tight.

'' Shhh...Who said I am not complete, as long as I see you happy. I am always complete. You have never been a burden to me, You are my special gift ". He declared rubbing her back comforting her.

After a long pause of silence,

Shen wei eyes were still locked on Yunlan. After all he saw two shades at the same time.
      He is such a great father, Now he wonders where Suzi's mom actually Is, She is very unlucky lady to miss such a beautiful family.

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