Woke up with pregnancy-4

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Shen wei groaned trying to spilt his tightly sealed eyes in the process hissing to the sudden burning brightness hitting his pupils.

He slowly opened his eyes and twitched his fingers trying to support his body to sit.... But, it was for no use.

'' Daddy!!...Uncle is awake...". A small voice shrilled Beside his ears along with big footsteps running towards him.

" Go call the Doctor ". The voice shouted with desperation and a very worried and tired face appeared in front of his blurry vision.

" Are you okey?!... Can you hear me?!tell me something". Yunlan asked softly, leaning towards shen.

Shen wei tried to reply but his dried throat didn't let the words come out of his throat. As if sensing Shens distress, Yunlan fed him with water.

      the salty tears lining his eye, slipped out, rolling down it's way.

Though Shen wei escaped a major accident, he was injured very badly.
      His limbs got fractured with his right hand being inserted with a thin rod to cure his broken bone, his both legs were wrapped with bandages upto his knees.
      His forehead wrapped with bandages, his face pale as paper with the heavy loss of blood.

" Wh-what is it?! ". Yunlan asked leaning forward, he hesitated but he finally took Shens pale cold hand into his.

"A-ask Y..Yezun to not to..... c..call me Uncle....I....L-Love you". Shen wei whispered falling back into deep sleep.



"Are you awake?!!". A lady's voice chirped loud enough to bring him out of daze. She pushed the door wide open and entered the room, with a very unfriendly aura.

'Where is Yunlan?'. Shen wei mumbled inside his head. He was waiting for Yunlan but didn't expect to see the most fakest person, he have known so far. Sheb hadn't seen the other since the time he woke up from his semi-coma stage.

"Gege, I am going back to osla". She said staring at her nails and flashing a bright smile at him.

"Did anyone come to see me?!".

"yes!!... A very cute guy came last night".

Shen smiled brightly. he still remember the way Yunlan's eyes were tearing up with sadness. the comforting voice, soothing his every muscle was so good.

Zhu Hong smirked at Shens reaction, she always hated her step-brother. she knows her brothers feelings for Yunlan.
           Her heart literally jumped out, when she saw Yunlan. She had million questions running inside of her....but she still stayed composed.

' I can still make you suffer, Gege'.

" OK then I will be leaving,.....and You have a new care taker. He will take care of you from now on".

.....Shen nodded. He still have some doubts on way Zhu Hong is acting so good. He loved her so much, he wanted to give her the best, as a brother.
      But, when she attempted to kill him 2 times already. He felt so broken but still acted good to her, providing her everything she needed. but, he couldn't love her like how he did in the past.


"What are you doing ". Shen smirked raising his eyebrows. Yunlan walked towards Shen, without answering anything while on the other hand pushing a stool towards the other.
      It contained white towels, warm water and an antiseptic to clean up Shen's wounds.

Yunlan took hold on Shen's hand and started stripping without hurting the other. Shens wounds were half healed but his hands and legs were still sittied. The cold air caressing his bare body made him shiver.
          But the coldness was emitted more by Yunlans cold face.
Not even a small trace of blush were seen on that cold masked face whereas Shen's cheeks were dark red.

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