My bully and Me - 2

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Yunlan's p.of.v:

(A/N: this chapter is continuation of 1st part.... I mean, this chapter is still 2 years back)

I flipped another page as i let my eyes wonder around the green field before me. I stared at the two light yellow and green teamed people chasing and kicking a lonely ball. They cheared and screamed startling me, everytime the ball hit the net placed at the Ends.

I quinted my eyes in amusement as he made another goal..... It is his fifth goal.
     Just then my phone buzzed, I looked down to see texts from Da qing....

'Clarify your damn doubt and come soon'

' take care, come safe ◟(òó)◞ '

I sighed softly. I sent him away saying I have doubts to clarify with my professor. he nodded his head and left not before yelling at me. Ofcourse, he will be angered to see his friend always mourning around books while others enjoyed their lifes to the fullest.

     I had to lie so that we won't get into trouble a part of the lie is actually true, cause' I'm indeed reading a book with no peculiar order.

I really don't want him to oppose seniors and bring trouble upon himself notl just in the idea of protecting me.

I wonder, how i got into this things, First a senior tried to molest me saying he loves me then another Senior saved me from that pervert.
           Instead of thanks that one Senior ge, Shen wei wanted me to be his Slave.....when this stupid me accepted for God knows why.

he decided to become my Demonic master, ruling my every move.

He gives me bundles of sheets to write, writing is not the problem since, he is in same field as me just an year ahead. Thing is he always brings me to watch his soccer, like literally at his every practice. He demands me to wait till it ends, curses me and at two occasions he slapped my face.

    Problem lies in how long I'm gonna do this, I don't even see an end to this ruling game.

Its been a month already.

I should have been at home helping Da cat's Mom in cooking or playing video games with Da cat. but NO, I'm here waiting for Shen wei ge to complete his final practice of this week.

I trembled as i remembered the way, he hissed at my face in the morning, "hide your ugly face and sit at the corner".
as he said I sat at the very corner making myself invisible under the cold shadow of the roof.


The loud cheers brought me out of my trance, the people in light yellow were throwing him in air cheering loud for their victory over the other team.

I couldn't see, whether he is smiling or not cause' only his back was visible to me.

A group of girls approached him holding some kind of coloured notes and flowers, they presented them to him blushing the best shade of red. I was sitting too far to hear their convo.

I blinked looking at the most prettiest girl of my class kneel on one-leg clutching a bunch of red roses. ohh God!! That's a proposal.
Other guys cheered few just smirked and rest walked away waving their hands in Air.

Shen wei turned towards her, a boring look plastered on his face.... I could see his lips moving.
Th girl jumped into tears moving the flowers at him shouting something loud.

So sad!!

My heartclinched seeing her cry.
I understood, what she wanted, she wanted him to atleast accept the flowers if not her.

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