My Bully and Me - 4

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*After 8 years

Shen Wei's p.of.v:

"Hello Shen Wei,

I never thought my first greeting to you will be through a recorder. Guess, that's how the fate holds a meaning for us. *coughs*

    Do you think, I never got chances to run away from you. Though it sounds bitter, I got many of them. But, something stopped me, something, I couldn't point my finger at.

Its crazy how, You managed to occupy a part of me, which no one else did. You gave me comfort in a way, its too horrible for others to feel.

        Never regret for hurting me, if that is your way of expressing feelings... I wouldn't mind to endure them forever.

Now, all I want is you to lead a happy life with success, happiness and..... Love. Fight yourself and come back, I m-mean bring your trueself back.
        I-i am sorry for leaving, I have to go.

But, One day, trust me!!, I'll surely come in search of our unmade promise.

Will you wait for me untill then?!-".

            I nodded my head vigorously wipping my alcohol dripping mouth clean,

"I'll wait for you forever, My love". I screamed loud, my words bursting out as slurred speech. I smiled drinking another mouthful of vodka.
     The strong drink flowed through my gut burning the way along its path.
Somehow, It managed to relax my senses just like his voice.

"-if that day doesn't come. Then, I need you to moveon and live your life to the fullest.

And..... *sniffs*

      Indeed, I forgive you and thanks for making burises on my body. This marks will forever remind me of you.


.....will you forgive me for leaving you in midway?!will you?!!".

"No, I'll not...I'll punish you, until you scream my name". I smirked pointing my finger towards the voice player, waves of pleasure washed over my body as the emotions in his voice floated into my ears directly touching my heart, filling my stomach with butterflies.

''- hope you're normal by now, forget the pain, which tries to kill you. Dream of things, which keeps you safe and at peace".

"Indeed!! I'm dreaming of youw~".

"I have an important thing to say, *clears throat*,.
      Not now, I want to say it looking into your eyes. The eyes, which speaks louder than your harsh hits and words,

Please!! Shen wei, take care of yourself. If possible, please try to Forgive me.

I'll miss you

And I Lo- *shuffles*..., See you soon,

My Wei".

''And I Lo- *chuckles*, slip of mouth, you told half of truth.... It's been, fucking eight years, feels like decade already. When are you coming back, my love". I sighed putting my head out of the window looking at the void stars scattered around.

     I closed my eyes smiling as I pressed my fingers against my face,
    His warm sweaty touch, kisses on my face and the fullness of his lips against mine still lingered on my skin..... As if, we are kissing at this very moment, the warmth and dampness felt so real and sweet.

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