Yearning Heart-2

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Yunlan's p.Of.v:

"-Ruler from the depths of Darkness became the most bounded disciple of the Great Legend of Kunlun Mountains.
          He the Blac...*grrr*...there eternal story....*grrr*....."

I stood up furrowing my eyebrows.
         The person still kept screwing with my tiny gadget trying all his best to shut the little thing down. I sighed, the only person in this world, who lacks the knowledge of gadgets is Shen Wei.

"It's Me, Yunlan. We found the person to cure you. Let's go". Shen wei spoke out after a pause of deadly silence. I smiled. Ofcourse, it's him. I'm never wrong with my assumptions.
       I didn't fail to notice the panic in his voice, but still I nodded my head grinning ear to ear.

        His cold fingers wrapped itself around my bicep, the other hand holding my left hand which I raised in midair, trying my best to find something to hold on.

He slowly walked me out.

            Not before, I slowly slip the tiny gadget back into my pocket. bruh...I'm a cop, it's just a piece of cake to find the placement objects with the noise they make.

I Hope, he didn't see it. It's not like I am scared or something like that. I just want to know, what's the real big deal with this book, that made My always calm and soft man jump with panic.

        It was just a random book Da qing picked from 'The Library of wall'. Its been days, since Zhu Hong recorded it for me, it's just today did I get the mood to listen to it.
              I should read this book as soon as possible.

While thinking of it, how badly I wish to see him again. I miss seeing his timid shy smile and indifferent expression.

'He is always near me but still keeps the distance, always far away but still gets connected to my Heart'.

              As if ground under my foot got vanished, I stumbled on my feet. Not again!! I sighed, I guess My wei was in high alert. before I could smooch this stupid Floor, he pulled me into his embrance. A faint smell of ice and mint engulfed my refreshing and warm.

      I smiled widely.

Every time, I lay my head on his chest......... His heart would run like an racing Horse, maybe faster than that. 
How could someone feel so nervous around a blind man like me.

My Cute wei....


"Slowly open Your eyes Mister, you will be able to see better by now". The so called Doctor said. His breathe crashed on my face, I frowned.
   'Damn, Punk!!....I'm not here to see your pig face. Shen wei, where are you?! I want to see you first'.

"Yunlan, Open your eyes". I slowly tilted my head towards his soft caring voice.
          I spilted my eyes open, there was no pain nor dizziness just slight blurred vision.........which eventually vanished as I made my First Eye-contact with my wei.

His Pitch black eyes were boring into mine, an angelic smile and pink blush plastered on his pale face. He looked as gorgeous as always but the tiredness in his appearance didn't slip my notice.
" I'm Back~". I sang out loud, they all sighed in relief muttering thanks to the unknown.
       They all started their chatters and I joined them with a cheeky smile.
    Shen wei stood still at the same spot eyeing me with a different feeling....... A feeling of happiness and... Love!!?.

After thanking the Fat doctor.... We left his house.


On our way back, apart from secret glances and soft smiles, there was no other reactions from Shen wei.
       'My Shy Wei, Are you in an idea of starting something or should I take the initiative?!'

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