My bully and Me - 3

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[A/N: Guys, before you go further I need you all to understand that,

sometimes the behavior of a person solely depends on his/her mental stability and the way, they endure their life and overcome his/her horrors.
               Sometimes, they get so much lost that, they hide their trueselfs behaving either too rude or too sweet and Somtimes too distinct....its all as a shield of protection.

It sometimes, increases the psychic personality in the person too.

I'm saying this because, I know most of you guys are disturbed by this story, I understand....

....sometimes, even little things can trigger larger impacts, so don't judge any of this content into dark.

Cause', the person really facing the horror could go beyond our comfort and belief on his/her ownself...
      I just want you guys to understand, Shen wei's mental stability in this story. no offence,

Just read, you'll surely understand

thank you.. :)]

Yunlan's p.of.v:  


Everything about the past makes me cringe in distress, I feel confused than ever before....... I hate him. I really do. cause' he hits me, he acts as if he owns every strain of me, he rules me, he ruins me...... He somehow made all the things terrible.

but, I don't get........What is that stopping me from smiling bright. I always wanted to run away from him, shouldn't I be happy now?!!. i have been given a chance to walk away and i don't feel like going.

I hate him. I can't help. but, feel pain for himself whenever he hits me.

Maybe because of the stupids things, I feel about him.
           Being around him all the time gives a weird kinda of strength. The joy, which spreads across my chest everytime he clutch my hand is unavoidable. I don't know what really he mean by that action, but for people it surely looked like a possessive boyfriend protecting his lover....

he calls me 'his' property......

   A property, he breaks to build. He made things insane but still kept them at better frequency. My Loonliness completely shattered after his arrival.
           I still recall the days, when i refused to eat, unable to tolerate the emptiness and Loonliness in my overly big dinning hall. As days passed, I never got the chance to skip meals, he always occupained me. Eating in his car with dishes placed all over the front case, it was both cozy and comfy increasing my appetite for the tenth time.

we may have not talked, still the silence between us spoke well........keeping us in Peace.

       People see bruises on my body, why not the hurt in his eyes.

I see pain in his eyes, which no other sees.... The pain in his hit is the reflection of his Hurt.

I sighed brushing those thoughts out of my stupid useless mind.

Maybe, I am overly fantasising things.....i should hate him, I started chanting swinging on the rigid desk......

'I hate him'

'I hate him'

'I really do hate hi-'.

"Yunlan?". I snapped out of my daze lifting my head up to look at the source of the call.
        I stood up clutching my bag with nervousness as i saw Old chu standing few steps away from me.

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