Woke up with Pregnancy-5

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"I dare to.... ". Shen wei smirked.

Shen wei leaned forward, his lips barely touching Yunlan's lips just like a butterfly sitting on a flower.
        He stopped in midway and placed his forehead on the others.

"please....let me Heal you".

"....". Yunlan chuckled loud, choking at the end. He bit his bottom lip hard trying to control his helplessness and tears of pain.

Just then a young man entered the room, his face full of happiness turned sour in an instant.
           To his eyes everything looked the same as in the past.....it was just like an hard slap landing on his face seeing Yunlan under Shen's hard grip.

"What the hell are you doing?!!". He yelled pushing Shenwei aside and giving him an disgusting look.

Shen wei wanted to die on stop with shame.......looking at his best friend's disgusting look and...... Staring at Yunlan's distressed and broken look.

"Yunlan, i-". Yunlan walked away whipping his falling tears, he had no more strength left to fight against it anymore.

"How much do you want to break that poor guy!!". The voice yelled in anger,  wave of guilt washing through his voice.


"kill him already ".

Shen wei raised his head,

"shut up Da qing!!!...you don't know anything".

"Ohhhh..... you say, you know everything !". Da qing hissed waving his hands in air. All this years he had been in search of Yunlan only to see him under the same person again.


3 years ago:

It was Shen enterprises annual celebrations......
      It was a grand event, Shen wei and Da qing were having lots of fun like usual.
      Shen wei was moderate whereas Da qing was lot more tipsy than normal times. What Shen wei failed to notice is that his little sister, who was waiting for a great opportunity to kill him got a brilliant chance.

Zhu Hong had no mercy,  she mixed a whole pack of drugs into Shen's drink.
           Shen took his car and left the hall, without aknowledgment of a dangerous drug flowing inside of him.

      After certain minutes his body started to heat up, the urge to make intercourse was increasing in him with every passing second.
He stopped the car, getting off it and trying to clear his vision, which is filling with......hot yearning tears.

       Just than a loud yell fell into his ears, he stumbled towards it.... He had no idea what he was doing but hit the rogues away and lifted the fragile unmoving young body into his arms.

He layed him in his back seat and his mind went blank with lust...

.............It had been two days already,  Da qing and Zhu Hong were searching for Shen wei like police searching for an most wanted criminal.

     At last they found Shen along with an completely unconscious Young man.

Da qing's heart clenched seeing the sight of Yunlan, he was completely bruised, hickeys, bite marks all over his pale body only made him look more petty.
He pulled Shen wei to give a hard slap but stopped feeling Shen's pulse dropping slightly. He immediately shifted Shen wei into his car after dressing the other, while on the other hand he requested Zhu Hong to take Yunlan to hospital and not to attract publics or cops attention.......since it may bring bad name to Shen and his company.

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