Forced Marriage-5

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Shen wei was sipping his hot steamy coffee, his mind completely blank from past few days. his presence is fully absent. he sat at the corner of canteen, without gaining anyone's attention.

     he turned towards the rushing Da qing, who was litrally screaming in his phone.

" yeah Lin.... Yunlan will bring Xiao is the there, come soon. I am leaving right now.....hmnm...bye".

hearing the half speach. Shen wei stood up instantly and chased after Da.

      Da qing took a cab while Shen wei chased behind him in his car. Within minutes they reached the park in dargon university.

Shen ran at the very end bench,he knows very well, where he can find the others. he hid behind the bushes. he wants to see what really happen's today.

    Yezun and Yunlan sat on the last bench, Yezun smiling sweetly just like yunlan. his heart beat raced like an Rocket, he felt his body going completely numb with panic.

   Everybody gathered around them, though he could not make out what they are speaking, not becoz he is standing too far but because his head is too buzy buzzing like crazy, for god knows why.

A loud chirp rang across all, Yezun and Yunlan stood face to face just a foot distance apart.

" I'm Sorry, I didn't find you soon. I love one can Separate us from now on, Yunlan". Yezun said holding Yunlans hand into his firmly, with a very sincere look. just this look is enough to make anyone think how sincere he is.

      There are no words to describe Shens pain, When he saw Yunlans smily nodding face.

They both inched forward, bringing their lips very close just a couple of finger distance.
      Shens pain turned into rage, his anger turned into fire spitting valcano making his fingers dig into his palm, his fists curled up.

'' Whether you want or not, You are mine, Yunlan..only mine".

Shen wei muttered and stepped out, raising his hand high....


Yezun was sent flying across the muddy grass, the hard punch on his jaw made blood ozz out of his mouth.
   he sat down coughing blood, twisting his jaw with pain.
Everyone gasped, Shen wei himself stood frozen on spot with his eyes wide and fists still clinched.

Yunlan broke his knuckles calmly, Shaking his hand as if he touched something dirty. The smirk on his lips froze seeing Shen wei at distance with a shocked expression.

" Wh-what are you...doing here?". Yunlan asked softly after few minutes of pure silence.

" What is going on?". Shen asked in return.

Yunlan just smiled sadly and pulled Shen into a pleasant hug.
     Shens just a minute rage filled eyes, turned red with happiness while Yunlan's started to tear up.
       They both wanted this, No words have to be exchanged to say how much they Love eachother.

" You know the truth from start?".

" No!!...just from few days ago". Yunlan replied hugging Shen tight.

***few days ago***

It's been very hard time for Shen wei, he is not able to digest the present situations.
                And it's been midnight already, yunlan didn't return back and they both Yunlan and Yezun are not answering his calls.

       his anger and helplessness doubled. he banged his fists hard on the wooden floor, making his knuckles bleed continuously.
He reached Yunlan's room and curled on the bed inhaling the fresh scent of his Yunlan.

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