Secretly, You're Mine - 3

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Zhao Yunlan's p.of.v:


3 years later:


"Is there any other possibilities?? Da cat think properly....there must be a way!!. How come the top notch of ours came so low!?". I whinned throwing the pile of files off my table. Da cat sighed picking up the scattered paperworks one by one.

"What makes you think I know the answer!?".

"You're my hitchman, you should know it". I smirked pointing my pen at him. Inturn, I was awarded by a soft smack on my head.

"This isn't the time for laughters, Mr.Zhao". He warned seriously. I nodded my head agreeing to his words. This is indeed a time of war and struggles. Haha!!  So dramatic but in real, we are truly stuck in space.
      Our materialistic designs earned crores, until just a couple of months ago. Just like a tarnodo passing by, my whole company collapsed.
      The abroad traders retreated their orders, the national traders refused to purchase eventhough, i proposed for half of the price than the initial cost.

All our ways got company is caged under debts.

"What about the share holders?!". I asked placing my arms over the table, while he walked back to his seat making himself comfortable like an cat boss infront of me. He sighed.

"They are refusing to distribute the loses".

I fumed with anger. Those assholes!!. How dare they oppose me.

Knock!! Knock!!

"Come in". I called. My team manager walked in with her face tensed up between tension and fear. Da qing looked at her curiously, I was in the same state as him too.

"What is it, Miss.Wang?!". As if she was waiting for the question to be shoot at her, she instantly lit up spilling the news out.

"Mr.Zhao, Our share holders have sold the total 30% shares to another company. Shockingly, they all sold it to the same one". I gasped in disbelief....

''Fucking traitors!!". She chuckled at my remark while Da qing hissed like an pussycat.

"Also Mr.Zhao, the 20% shares your father was holding has been sold too".

"I'm not even surprised". I declared flatly. He never liked me nor encouraged me getting into bussiness.

In order to receive my own money from his hold, I had to give him 20% of shares. Our bond is more like two bussiness partners rather than father and son. So, My yearning for parents love has always been same, with my mom divorcing my father and marrying another only been bonus to my pain. It had been a very tough personal life to me.
          But, I won't let that inner sadness disturb my external smiles. I never allowed it to effect me nor I will ever.

"He is jealous of our growth. Did the same company buy those shares too?!". She nodded at Da's question. He puffed, face palming at our fate.

"Which company?!". I asked massaging my temples. My head started to hurt like hell. Migraine attack, not again!!. I sighed taking out a clear bottle of white pills from my pocket. Slipping out 2 pills, I put it in my mouth gluping it down in one go.
     Da qing passed me the glass of water.

Gazing back at her, i nodded my head at her to continue.....

"Shen Enterprises". 

"pufff!!''. I choked on water spraying all of it out. Da qing wiped his face irrevelet to the fact that, I spat on his face. He was more into snacting the file from Wang's hand and eyeing it thoroughly....
       My heart starting to pound against my ribs....adrenaline pumping to all my veins making me fell dizzy.

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