Secretly, You're Mine - 2

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Zhao Yunlan's p.of.v:

           I waved at my troop restlessly as my doings from a couple of weeks ago hit my scalp, It instantly reminded me of my stupid behavior. I kissed him and left the university by biding a firm farewell to my Shen wei.
Things only worsened, when I applied for correspondence the very evening. Not even in my dream would've i imagined for that stupid principal to accept my request immediately, all thanks to my father's membership in the University. Since, he owned the upper hand among all other members.
      That fat man immediately agreed to my request and let me go home. Like forever...

    My mind was total mess backthen. At that instant, all i wanted to happen is to go away from Shen wei.

Now, I regret my actions to the core.
    It's been days, Since i've last seen him. I miss him more than anything. At the same time, i am scared to face him. Does he hates me?! Did he feel disgusted by my actions!?How is he even doing!? Does he miss me?! What if he forgets me??No, he will not. Ughhhhh God!! I really can't take this anymore!!
     I really have no idea as why I took such an intimate step all of the sudden. Maybe because, I knew unless i take the initiative....he will never take one.

"Ayaaaa~... Stupid being, we are meeting after so long and you still dare to daze off". Da qing hissed jumping to my side in the process hitting my arm hard. I chuckled at him which turned into a solid smirk. As i noticed, Yezun walking inside followed by a clingy Chilan sticky behind.

"How is your Brother!?". I asked earnestly looking at Yezun, my emotions swirled like an dark pool. They both looked almost same but are worlds apart. Yezun's eyes glistened up while a clear helpless smile formed on his face.

"He is not the one suffering. so ofcourse, He is good". Da qing spat harshly, my glaring eyes instantly shut his mouth. I looked at Yezun lost, he looked at me giving another helpless nod. I sighed shutting my eyes tight.

'Isn't everything Onesided feelings!!?Then, why does this heartache hurt so much'.

"Xiao lan, Everyone at the University misses you. you know, you're fan base has grown alot. Few girls from junior years have been nagging me to give your number to them.......hahaha". Chilan chuckled blabbering about the girls and boys crushing over me.

The topic continued until it turned towards professors and other popular students....about the tournaments and other fests. Actually, those are my chances to visit university.....Its only at the time of fests, exams and practicals will I be able to reappear at campus. By gods grace!!, I only thought of correspondence, if not I would've moved out of the whole town. That would've been more horrible than the present condition.

After a while of chatters, I started to smile along and bicker with them. I just don't want to hurt my people just because of my selfish one-sided feelings. The more i console myself saying my feelings are one-sided, the more i feel like a liar.

I know, it's not only from myside. Shen wei feels it too... The pull of fate between us. His hints, hidden stares and untold words... I know they all are real. Not just my imagination.

''Brother-in-law, Mother is hosting a party this weekend. Would you like to join!?". Yezun asked grabbing all my attention at once. I chuckled loud feeling queasy....i mean who would say 'NO', a door knocking opportunity. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

"What kinda of party, love?!". Chilan asked wrapping his arm around Yezun's shoulder. The other blushed bright struggling to get rid of the arm around him, Chilan only grinned leaning more. While me and Da qing smirked teasing them with our eyes.

"I don't know too. Mother said it is a very important one and I think, It'll be a perfect chance for you to meet brother again". He spoke with a pair of blushing cheeks. The idiot beside him didn't let go a single moment to harass Yezun with his loving eyes.

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