Woke up with pregnancy-1

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Warning:  Rape ; Male pregnancy .

(Yunlan is 20, Shen wei is 28)


" Hey Fatty, Am I feeding you too much?! haa?! ". The young teen chuckled tugging at the long black tail. If not his Dorm's rules were that strict, he would've raised this pretty big cat with him.

     Yunlan was the type of guy, who spends less time with people and spend more with animals and nature.
  he just liked to be alone.

As His aunty refused to pay his fees, he had to do 3 part time jobs to cover all his expenses.

" Okey...Fatty. I need to go , I'll be back tomorrow". He stood up wipping the dust off his pants. This is one of his routine works. After completing his job at 7, he reaches here straight. after spending some time with his cat, he returns back to finish his other two jobs.

      Yunlan hurried his steps feeling someone's presence behind his back. he felt the same from past few days but neglected it. Now, he is sure someone is chasing behind him.

It was an abonded street, not many people visit here not after sunset. If he screams for help then there is only two percent chance that people may hear it.
....... he tried to run.

In blink of an eye, Yunlan was pressed hard to the ground with two big built people towering above him.
he groaned to the pressure he felt all over his spine. In a flip, he was turned over.

     Three people looking like fat logs stood towering above him, their eyes were cruel..... filled with pure lust.
   he gulped and tried to escape but no use.

" Please!!...brothers, let me go. I don't have money... I have only 30 dollars, you can have them. Please!!.. just let me go...brothers". He pleaded, tears starting to build in his eyes.

" Let this big brothers...Take care of the little brother, little fairy". The man who stood in between his legs, chuckled clutching hard on Yunlan's chin, licking his lips.

Yunlan screamed for help, a hard slap landed on his face making half of face go numb.

Before he could recover from the Slap, a sharp pain stag at his neck. the needle was pierced deep inside his throat, the drug in it was flushed clean into his veins..

The people above him started unbuttoning his shirt, he tried to shake them off but was completely strengthless.

The drug those bastards used was rape drug. Though he could feel and hear the commotions around him, he can't react nor move, he was paralysed.

Suddenly, the people above him were pulled off and kicked to ground.

He picked his ears, the  sounds of Kicks and punchs were clearly heard. after few seconds, running sounds feel into his ears.
    That's when he concluded he was saved by someone.Though he couldn't smile, he was beyond happy.

After few seconds of pause, he felt his whole body is being lifted up into
air. The persons perfume hit his nostrils hard, it was too manly and enchanting. He was swayed suggishliy, as if the person holding him was drunk.

With lots of struggles and pain. Yunlan opened his eyes and saw the most Handsome face, he had ever seen before looking at him with a plane expression.

     The others eyes were so dark, like pitch black night. his eyes voluntarily closed by itself. he shivered when he felt the other's nose snuzzle at his neck.

his senses gradually started to decrease, he felt the softness in his bones increase with every passing minute.


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