Secretly, You're Mine - 4

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Shen wei's p.of.v:

I frowned looking at his crafted figure restlessly stirring on the bed. Leaning forward, I touched his forehead while placing my other hand on the dashboard. Knowing how the burning temperature has fallen back to normal, my breathe easied a bit. With my tension exiting, unconditional gallons of excitement took over.

My hand from forehead involuntarily slidded across his face finally settling on his flushed cheek, a fresh smile of love bloomed on my face making my heart squeal with joy. Complete opposite to yesterday's heartbreak and fear. My heart felt alive for the first time from yesterday, after so many years.

Last noon, when he walked away yelling 'Goodbye' at me, my heart broke into million pieces. Compared to all the pain i've caused him so far, I know his outburst was nothing big and his anger on me is completely justified.

Eventhough I had always been cold to him. He never gave up. By making every kind of dumb excuses he had always sticked to myside. Now, when he is trying to run away from me, Isn't this my turn to chase him back?!
                       With the same thought, i ran behind him only to find his unconscious boiling hot body laying flat on the ground with Da qing shaking and screaming at him in tears. At that instant, Everything went blank.

Only thing I remember is carrying Yunlan in my arms and running off to the hospital; The way I drove, the way my legs shivered and the way, adrenaline pumped in my veins, Those few rush hours reminded me of the past 3 years, where I mourned over his departure every single night.

The thing, which I always feared the most is loosing him. and after witnessing the scene, which utmost resembled my nightmare.... I was torn to the core.
        I know, I pushed him away to keep him alive. Than giving him alert distressed life, I thought loving him from afar would be enough to keep our hearts at peace. but, guess not!! Just like what Yunlan had said I'm not really good at dealing things in an right way.

I gradually realized how empty of an shell, i was without his presence. Yunlan was my happiness, he is the clingy being attached to my smiles. I started to hate my father's proffesion. Only way, I had left was to fight the semi-superior to handover the title.

Only pray i recited at my battle was to keep me alive. I wanted to live with My Yunlan, make a family with him. Tell him that I have always loved him.
Though, I successfully stepped out of the dark world, it took me a complete two full years to clear and clean all the dirt off my hands.
         I am completely free. It's true my father isn't happy with my decision but atleast, he is glad that I came out of that black hole alive.

I clean sheeted my dark background to start a fresh beginning with my love of life.

But, the true fear engulfed me more, When Yezun comforted me with his harsh words. Seeing him getting so frustrated and mad at me was a final blow. He wanted me to stop searching for Yunlan,

'Why do you bother to search for him, brother?! Maybe he has already moved on and made a fresh start. I will not even be surprised if he had already got into a relationship. Don't make trouble, brother. He had always been the giving one, It's time for him to receive something. He deserves better'.

I felt like being shot in head, millions of questions ran inside of me. 'What if Yunlan had really got into an relationship?! What if he really did move on. Does he not love me anymore?...', That final redlined questions was enough to make the search process harder and find him over a span of an week.

I snapped out of my daze, when the person under my touch cleared his throat. I locked my eyes with his, a small smile made its way on my face, after recalling Yunlan's yesterday's words, I am more than sure that he never moved on and he still love me the same.
          Not bothering to take my hands off his cheek, I leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his temple.

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