Chapter 2: Fragile Prosperity

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Hi! Here is the continuation of the peaceful life on Pandora, with the other members of the Thalyen family. However, we feel a certain threat approaching. Don "t hesitate to vote, if you liked it, or to comment.

Twaly's point of view

We flew, with my brother, my sister and Kewe, to visit cousin Tsenkya and her children. We passed the floating rock with its beautiful waterfall and ventured east, to the edge of the forest. The Kelutral was isolated but dominated the surrounding area in majesty. There was a certain beauty in seeing this emperor reign, without sharing, in the middle of the forest. And in him lived the clan of the Night Archers where my cousin's family resided. Cousin...It was hard to conceive the idea. Tsenkya was just a few years younger than Mother. How old was Father to be my cousin?

We ended up on the highest branch of the Kelutral, before being taken to the chief and his companion. Despite the years that have passed, the two have always maintained a certain charm. Pel'tan had not changed much, keeping a certain youthful charm, although his chief's outfit clearly showed the responsibilities on his shoulders. It was more Tsenkya who suffered the years. She had, now, a more mature face, similar to that of a mother now. Her eyes, emerald green on one side and orange on the other, were a strange and beautiful sight. She had long hair covering her back, but styled with some care, matching her Tsahik outfit. Both had taken up their leadership positions seven years ago when Pel'tan's parents died. And the two made a fine pair. Pel'tan had a diplomatic and open side, while Tsenkya was more outspoken and protective. Sometimes too much.

Tsenkya: Wow, you're really pushing it! I can't believe you were once little toddlers running around.

Pel'tan: Our children too, dear.

She stared at him with a dark look

Tsenkya: Tell me right away that I'm getting old!

Pel'tan: You will always be the most beautiful one, in my eyes

The Tsahik blushed, at this statement. I rolled my eyes at this. Frankly, adults could be so boring...

Tsenkya: How are your parents?

Sylwyn: Still strong and in love!

Smiling Tsikey: Yes...although I think they argue less and less as the years go by.

Tsenkya's smile fades, looking more worried. I don't see why she should! It was even nice not to hear them like that anymore, and to really see their love. However, I had mostly come to see my little cousin and my little cousins.

Me: Can we see Nilya, Pel'say and Linta? I think there is one who wants to see his beloved Palu

I stared at my best friend, with an amused smile.

Kewe blushing: Uh...No. Not at all

My brother shared my observation and nudged him in the elbow. Both of us knew that our best friend had a crush on the young and reckless daughter of my cousin and her companion.

Pel'tan: I don't see any problem. They are currently at the entrance of the village

Tsenkya: If you can tell Nilya to stop doing her Yerik in heat, that would be nice! No matter how much I tell her, she just does as she pleases!

We looked at her with shock, not believing that she could speak in such a raw way, towards her daughter. Even though we knew her to be outspoken.

Pel'tan: Honey...we don't say that!

Tsenkya: It's the truth! I'm tired of his behavior!

Pel'tan more serious: It's not a reason to talk like that, about our daughter.

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